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  • Ask Us ‘MFDs can obtain GST and cancel multiple times’

    ‘MFDs can obtain GST and cancel multiple times’

    Ask us: You can cancel GST in the subsequent year if your income doesn’t hit the threshold limit of Rs.20 lakh.
    Nishant Patnaik Jan 18, 2023

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    One of our readers wrote to us with this query:

    Dear Cafemutual,

    I am an MFD. I have couple of queries related to GST.

    I had a GST registration number. But I cancelled it after the government exempted MFDs from paying GST on commission income of Rs.20 lakh. This year, I have crossed the threshold and received a communication from AMFI to obtain GST registration number.

    My question is if an MFD crosses threshold limit of Rs.20 lakh and obtains GST, does he need to pay GST on entire amount i.e. from Re.1?

    If an MFD took GST in FY 2016-17 and surrendered it subsequently in FY 2019-20, what will happen to him if he takes GST again in FY 2022-23? How soon I need to obtain GST?

    I have split my business across multiple ARNs to keep my overall income below the threshold. Now, I am confident that it will not cross threshold in the subsequent years. Can I cancel it again in the subsequent year after reobtaining it?

    The sender requested anonymity

    Dear MFD,

    You will be required to obtain GST registration number within 30 days of reaching the threshold limit of Rs.20 lakh income. Here income is commission earned from all financial products like mutual funds, insurance, p2p lending and so on.

    While you need to consider insurance commission to arrive at income threshold, you need not pay GST on insurance commission as it is subject to reverse charge mechanism.

    Now coming back to your query, if you obtain GST registration post reaching the threshold limit of Rs.20 lakh, you will have to pay GST only on the incremental income in the first year.

    Since you surrendered your GST registration before and are now reobtaining it, your re-registration will be considered fresh and you will have to pay GST only on the incremental income in the first year.

    For instance, if your gross income is Rs.24 lakh from MF commission, you will have to pay GST only on Rs.4 lakh. From next year onwards, GST will be applicable from Re.1 and it will be irrespective of your income i.e. even if you earn less than Rs.20 lakh and have GST registration number, you will have to pay on your commission income.

    On cancellation of GST registration, you can cancel your GST registration only if your income doesn’t exceed the threshold limit in the subsequent financial year. Overall, you can obtain and cancel GST registration multiple times.

    Here is example with assumption:

    Financial year

    Income from MF commission 

    GST applicability

    FY 2022-23

    Rs.21 lakh

    GST has to be paid on incremental income or Rs.1 lakh in this case

    FY 2023-24

    Rs.18 lakh

    GST has to be paid on the entire Rs.18 lakh

    FY 2024-25


    Can be nil. You can cancel it on the basis of the previous year income


    Either you obtain or cancel GST, remember that you are required to update AMFI about your GST status. You should send an email to with details of the GST number along with documents like a scanned copy of GST acknowledgement receipt.

    Please note that Cafemutual has spoken to GST experts at consulting firms, compliance officials at AMCs and chartered accountants to write this report. We intend to clarify your doubts on GST. This does not tantamount to be a tax advice of any nature or a recommendation. Please take advice from a qualified tax advisor for your guidance.


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    Sheetal Deo · 1 year ago `
    If anyone crosses Rs 20 lakh limit in 21-22 and remain below limit in 22-23, what should he or she do as till the time realises that limit crossed next year amount remain below due to redemption pressure or market swings means next year 22-23 total amount received became Rs 19 lakh then how person should handle it.
    Vivek Mallik · 1 year ago
    Refer the chart once again. Answer is there. After paying GST in 23-24 on 18L, cancel GST registration in 24-25 based on your income in 23-24.
    Keep repeating. Register - Pay - Cancel - Register ...
    VISHAL SODHI · 1 year ago
    If From next fy in mid year someone Surrender GST as he/she Shifted his/her Aum to another ARN or Due to Market Swing Income effected and not going to cross threshold limit..

    Even than he/she has to wait for surrender of GST for Complete FY or We can Surrender during the Year As well.
    VISHAL SODHI · 1 year ago
    Composition scheme is that one enrols for GST but pays tax @6% (for service providers intra-state) instead of 18% of turnover and claims 0 Input Tax Credit
    So many MF distributors may not qualify...Please do this to inter-state as well @NSitaraman @NileshShah68 @GST_Council@vishalsodhi09
    Please share your concern in Twitter as well
    Sk musha Maammad · 1 year ago `
    what percent of GST is applicable for MFD
    manoj shrivastava · 1 year ago
    18% or 5% in composit scheme
    VISHAL SODHI · 1 year ago
    Composition scheme is that one enrols for GST but pays tax @6% (for service providers intra-state) instead of 18% of turnover and claims 0 Input Tax Credit
    So many MF distributors may not qualify...Please do this to inter-state as well @NSitaraman @NileshShah68 @GST_Council
    NEENZ GUPTA · 1 year ago `
    what does stand for composite scheme How it is derived
    NEENZ GUPTA · 1 year ago `
    what does stand for composite scheme How it is derived
    VISHAL SODHI · 1 year ago
    Applicaple to Maharastra IFA's Only...I request all of you to Retweet by Searching on my Twitter account
    Many of Big names are supporting as we are facing Double taxation
    Rajesh Bansal · 1 year ago `
    Dear Nishant Pathak
    If my annual commission income 25 Lakh.
    i pay on entire amount or only on above 20 Lakh ( only 5 lakh is GST taxable income)
    My state is Punjab

    Please clear it.
    Last updated 1 year ago
    Nishant Patnaik · 1 year ago
    Hi Rajesh, first year only on Rs.5 lakh. In the subsequent years, it is applicable on your entire income.
    Sunil Lalge · 1 year ago
    It is not on incremental. You have pay GST on income earned from the date GST registration.
    VISHAL SODHI · 1 year ago `
    Composition scheme is that one enrols for GST but pays tax @6% (for service providers intra-state) instead of 18% of turnover and claims 0 Input Tax Credit
    So many MF distributors may not qualify...Please do this to inter-state as well @NSitaraman @NileshShah68 @GST_Council@vishalsodhi09

    Please share your concern in Twitter as well
    Deepak Agrawal · 1 year ago `
    I have recently crossed threshold limit of 20 lac. My query is that is this brokerage inclusive of GST for composition scheme or I have to pay full 6% on incremental amount
    Last updated 1 year ago
    GANESH VARMA · 2 months ago `
    Can I cancel Empanelment with that AMC which registered out of Maharashtra to get composition scheme GST
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