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    Have a query or a doubt?
    Need a clarification or more information on an issue?
    Cafemutual welcomes all mutual fund related questions. So write in to us at
    ‘B30 incentive will be back but in a new avatar’
    Ask us: SEBI will soon reintroduce the B30 incentive, which was discontinued in February 2023.
    by Nishant Patnaik Jun 3, 2024
    ‘In investor initiated AUM transfers, the new MFD gets trail income from seventh month’
    Ask us: The new ARN transfer norm will be not be effective retrospectively.
    by Nishant Patnaik Mar 10, 2024
    Can NRI and OCI invest in mutual funds?
    Ask us: Indian PAN is mandatory for NRI and OCI to invest in mutual funds.
    by Nishant Patnaik Mar 3, 2024
    MFDs have to appoint their nominee at a fund house level
    Ask us: There is no centralized or online system to make nomination against ARN.
    by Nishant Patnaik Feb 28, 2024
    AMFI can suspend MFDs’ ARN for spreading mis-leading information about AMCs
    Ask us: MFDs should be careful before putting or posting anything on social media.
    by Nishant Patnaik Feb 12, 2024
    ‘There is no regulation which stops your children from working with an AMC/insurer’
    Ask us: However, your children will have to give a declaration to the respective AMC to avoid any conflict of interest.
    by Nishant Patnaik Feb 8, 2024
    MFDs have to explicitly tell their clients that regular plans pay commission to MFDs
    Ask us: MFDs offering online transactions should disclose ‘Regular plans involve payment of commission to MFDs’.
    by Nishant Patnaik Feb 7, 2024
    Only 5 MFs allow NRIs residing in US and Canada to execute online transaction without any limits
    Ask us: Another 9 fund houses allow NRIs from US and Canada to invest in MF scheme albeit with physical presence of clients.
    by Nishant Patnaik Jan 29, 2024
    Tax arbitrage: SWP, still a tax friendly option for investors seeking regular income
    Ask us: Despite similar taxation between dividend and growth option of debt funds, investors have to pay less tax if they opt for SWP.
    by Nishant Patnaik Jan 15, 2024
    Is email id/phone number mandatory to invest in mutual funds?
    Ask us: Email id and phone number is mandatory only if an investor uses Aadhaar as officially valid document as address proof and he makes KYC request online.
    by Nishant Patnaik Aug 30, 2023
    Family members of MFDs can become an RIA
    Ask us: You can also explore becoming an EOP to offer direct plans to your clients.
    by Nishant Patnaik Aug 6, 2023
    Distribution of PMS and AIF is more tax efficient for MFDs
    Ask us: Commission income on PMS and AIF is exclusive of GST. This means, the end investor pays GST on the brokerage fee earned from distribution of PMS and AIF.
    by Nishant Patnaik Aug 3, 2023
    How can agents deal with difficulty in switching insurance company?
    Ask us: Agents should approach CEOs if branch manager does not issue NOC to change insurance company.
    by Nishant Patnaik Jul 16, 2023
    Here is how individual insurance agent can deal with direct plans in insurance
    Ask us: Agents should tie up with brokers to offer multiple policies to price sensitive clients.
    by Nishant Patnaik Jul 6, 2023
    MFDs can become EOPs by segregating distribution of regular and direct plans
    Ask us: MFDs will have to float a body corporate and invest in technology platform.
    by Nishant Patnaik Jun 14, 2023