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    Have a query or a doubt?
    Need a clarification or more information on an issue?
    Cafemutual welcomes all mutual fund related questions. So write in to us at
    Investment Advisor Certification Examination
    Investment Advisor Certification Examination is meant for advisors who are registered with SEBI.
    by Team Cafemutual Dec 26, 2013
    Should I do business on my own ARN or empanel with a national distributor?
    Partnering an ND can get you support in terms of business development and support, attractive payouts, infrastructure support. However, the final call must be based on your needs and preferences.
    by Team Cafemutual Oct 17, 2013
    What happens when you transfer assets from national distributor to your own ARN?
    As per AMFI, if assets are transferred from one ARN to another, trail is neither paid to the old distributor nor the new distributor.
    by Team Cafemutual Sep 16, 2013
    No commission is paid for business procured when ARN is invalid
    All commission including trail, in respect of business procured prior to expiry of ARN and suspended due to non-renewal, is forfeited.
    by Team Cafemutual Aug 9, 2013
    ARN renewal without certificate
    IFAs can send their scorecard and demand draft to AMFI to renew their ARN if they haven’t received their certificate yet.
    by Team Cafemutual Aug 7, 2013
    Redemption of ELSS money if investor dies before lock in period
    If the investor dies before the lock in period, the nominee can redeem from ELSS only after the completion of one year from the date of allotment of units to the assesse.
    by Team Cafemutual Aug 6, 2013
    AMFI registration for private limited companies
    Memorandum of Association should authorise the company to distribute mutual funds in order to qualify to get AMFI registration number (ARN).
    by Team Cafemutual Jul 26, 2013
    Switches under micro investments
    Investors are required to quote PAN if the invested value exceeds Rs 50000.
    by Team Cafemutual Jun 14, 2013
    Switching investments under micro investments
    You do not need to quote PAN if you stay invested in the same scheme even if the market value exceeds Rs 50000.
    by Team Cafemutual Jun 11, 2013
    Do sub-brokers need EUIN?
    All salespersons/relationship managers including sub-brokers offering advice to investors should have EUIN.
    by Team Cafemutual Jun 6, 2013
    Is attending CPE mandatory if you attain the age of 50?
    Irrespective of the age, it is mandatory to renew ARN by appearing for CPE.
    by Team Cafemutual Jun 5, 2013
    How to renew ARN?
    You need to attend two day classroom based CPE program to renew your ARN
    by Team Cafemutual Jun 5, 2013
    Delay in ARN renewal leads to suspension of commission
    Advisors need to apply for CPE program 12 months prior to the expiry of the ARN.
    by Team Cafemutual May 28, 2013
    ARN Renewal
    by Team Cafemutual May 28, 2013
    Lock-in-period of ELSS
    Each SIP installment gets locked in for three years.
    by Team Cafemutual May 14, 2013
    Cafemutual is an independent media platform and focuses on providing knowledge and information for the benefit of finance professionals. We do not promote any particular brand or asset category.