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  • Ask Us Ask us: While upfronting of trail commission is allowed in SIPs, it comes with terms and conditions

    Ask us: While upfronting of trail commission is allowed in SIPs, it comes with terms and conditions

    AMCs are allowed to do upfronting of trail commission only for first time SIP investor based on PAN.
    Nishant Patnaik Jun 8, 2020

    One of our readers wrote to us with this query

    Can I get upfront commission in SIPs? If yes, what is the commission structure?

    Rahul Soni via email

    Dear Rahul,

    Fund houses can do upfronting of trail commission on SIPs subject to fulfilment of these criteria

    • Upfronting of trail commission is allowed only for first time investor based on PAN
    • Fund houses can pay 1% upfronting on SIP of up to Rs.5000 for a maximum period of 3 years. For instance, if a first time investor starts SIP of Rs.5000 for three years, distributors will get close to Rs.1800 as upfronting of trail commission
    • Fund houses can claw back such a commission on a pro-rata basis from distributors if investors discontinue SIP for which the commission is paid
    • SEBI will take appropriate action if it finds irregularity in this practice

    However, it is better to stick to all trail model as distributors get commission on mark to market basis. If a fund does well, distributors will get healthy commission compared to what he gets through upfronting of trail commission.

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    Prashant · 4 years ago `
    But shutting down of schemes by AMCs come with no terms and conditions. Giving incentives to employees comes with no terms and conditions. Giving huge brokerages to banks for misselling of their products has no terms and conditions. All Terms and conditions are only for IFAs.
    Vishal Rastogi · 4 years ago
    This is opposite direction Business & is working just because We are Individual ......!
    Uday Desai · 4 years ago
    It is the only products where advisor get his bread and butter on the basis of performance only , where in life insurance there is no performance
    Even some of the policy holder says that "sir Kate Kelly jio" instead of " sir Utah ke jio " and those products sale by banks and they have good repo with IRDA so if policy holder take any action against life insurance company no action will be taken , do AMFI have this kind of reputation for model done by bank and institutions broker,
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