Network FP is organising SFA Summit 2020 – the making of a successful financial advisor. The 3-day long digital event will be held between 9 am and 2 pm on July 30, July 31 and August 1.
At the event, 21 leading financial advisors and mutual fund distributors will share their success mantras, things they are currently doing like resetting existing business. The event aims to give inspiration and ideas to financial advisors to build a successful practice.
Sadique Neelgund, Director of Network FP says that his recent interaction with some of the most successful financial advisors made him realize that that most of them have started embracing the changes swiftly and are working towards resetting and rebuilding their practices.
He goes on to add that the insights shared by them were crisp and high replicable by other financial advisors in the country who are willing to embrace change, think out of their comfort zones and work a little hard in these times of uncertainty.