The Bank Officers’ Union strongly believes that ethical banking has no place for cross selling of third party products like mutual funds, insurance and so on. The All India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC) has urged the RBI governor to take the necessary steps to stop the forced cross selling of mutual funds and insurance products in banks, said a media report published in ‘The Hindu BusinessLine’.
This move was triggered off after a healthy discussion on this issue at the AIBOC National Youth Convention held recently in Kolkata. The members feel, “Ethical Banking has no place for cross selling in banks as we are forced to mis-sell to the customers whereas the ideal situation would be to sell the right policy/product to the right person in the right way. The top executives are forcing the operational functionaries for their own benefit which should be brought out in the public forum through RTI queries.”
At times, banks have been accused of mis-selling of third party products to customers particularly of complex insurance products to customers by bundling them with loans. Also, mis-selling has been more prominent in semi-urban and rural areas where customers have very little to no knowledge of what they are purchasing.
RBI recently amended the Banking Ombudsman Scheme in which it has allowed the banking ombudsman to impose a fine of up to Rs. 20 lakh on banks for mis-selling of third party products such as insurance and mutual funds.