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  • MF News 3 powerful women, 3 inspiring stories and limitless learnings

    3 powerful women, 3 inspiring stories and limitless learnings

    Here are some timeless business lessons from the inspiring stories of Anjali Patel, Vinita Kejriwal and Zeenat Jagani.
    Karishma Gagwani Feb 24, 2023

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    Part 1
    Part 2

    As we continue to celebrate the success stories of powerful women mutual fund distributors, here is a sneak peek into the journeys of Anjali Patel, Vinita Kejriwal and Zeenat Jagani.

    Just like the previous stories, these stories also make their way to the hall of fame of the ‘Invest for Progress’ campaign, a joint initiative of Franklin Templeton and Cafemutual.

    Chapter: Anjali Patel - The 2nd Gen Expert

    Anjali joined her father’s mutual fund distribution business when she was just 18. The quest to guide people achieve their dreams was her inspiration.

    Despite having an established business, Anjali challenged herself to bring new investors and expand the existing client base. While studying, Anjali often engaged with her engineering mates in financial discussions and gradually onboarded them as her clients. Additionally, she registered with different networking groups for garnering quality references.

    After graduating, the young mutual fund distributor completed MBA in finance and continued upskilling through extensive reading and mutual fund conferences.  

    Anjali believes that observing her father has helped her pick up business nuances. She has also learnt explaining mutual funds in a simple and interesting way by using real life examples and analogies from her father. For example, if she’s explaining mutual funds to someone who loves mangoes, she would talk about mango trees that require time to bear fruits. Likewise, patient, and disciplined investing through SIPs can reap lucrative returns. And just like that, she developed the ability to convert second generation clients by demystifying mutual funds through interesting analogies.

    Today, the father-daughter duo manage over 3,500 clients and an AUM of Rs. 900 crore through FinFreedom33 in Ahmedabad.

    Interestingly, they follow a unique practice of congratulating their clients when they cross a certain milestone like Rs. 50 lakhs, Rs. 1 crore and so on.

    Her story teaches us to:

    • Be an active member of various business networking groups to draw quality referrals
    • Celebrate every client milestone

    Chapter: Vinita Kejriwal – The Inner Calling  

    Vinita, a successful assistant manager at a reputed fund house was doing well professionally. But deep down she knew that was not what she wanted to do, there was always an urge to don the entrepreneurial hat. Finally, after seven long years, she decided to follow her inner calling.

    While Vinita is a CA by qualification, she became a mutual fund distributor as she sensed an opportunity while working with a fund house.

    Her initial set of clients were Vinita’s acquaintances. She encouraged these prospects to invest a small portion of their wealth and increase it further only after seeing results. With time, these investors not only gave a higher share of their wallet to Vinita, but they referred many friends and family members to her as well.

    One thing that has helped Vinita in her distribution journey is constant learning by enrolling for certification courses and attending events and conferences. She recently completed a certification program from IIM Bangalore. Vinita believes that mutual fund distributors can hone their business skills and learn from practical wisdom of the industry stalwarts.

    Talking about her services, Vinita’s focus has always been on ‘team’ and ‘technology’. A strong team with well-defined roles and responsibilities increases overall productivity and technology creates a sound business model.  

    Over time, Vinita has created a base of 500 clients and now manages assets of Rs. 250 crore through Vinsan Financial Services in Kolkata.

    When asked, what goes behind managing such a large distribution business, Vinita gives credit to the power of self-motivation through spiritualism.  

    Vinita’s 8-year-long journey teaches that:

    • Keep learning constantly by attending events and conferences
    • Spiritualism boosts innovative and clear thinking which in turn helps to stay motivated 

    Chapter: Zeenat Jagani – Scooting towards Success

    A commerce graduate and a diploma holder in marketing management from Mumbai, Zeenat developed the perfect blend of financial and marketing skills.

    However, owing to certain household responsibilities, Zeenat was unable to take up a full-time job. This is how she started as a small savings agent and focused on widening her product basket to be a one-stop shop. Mutual fund was one such key product through which she guided investors to create wealth.

    Though a one-woman army, Zeenat never saw travel as a barrier. In fact, she travelled across Mumbai on her scooter to meet prospective clients. Her passion for making people financially independent made her travel to other cities as well. Even today, she travels to meet a prospect irrespective of the investment amount.

    Eventually, Zeenat hired a team to look after the backend operations and document collection. Today she manages over Rs. 300 crore with her eight-member team.

    Zeenat attributes her success to SIPs and linking goals with MF schemes. She soon realsied that many people are comfortable starting SIPs with a small amount and eventually increase their investment on seeing positive results. By linking financial goals with their investment portfolio, her clients are also more likely to create long term wealth.

    Zeenat’s story epitomises how humble beginnings can pave the path to success. It reiterates:

    • Never stop prospecting
    • Link financial goals with investment portfolio to create disciplined investors
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    ALKA RASTOGI · 1 year ago `
    Its not only women power ..... they are great inspiration of society & for all of us what teaches as : if you pray your work you will see sky as limit ..........!
    Palaninathan Rajee · 1 year ago `
    Great achievement
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