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  • NFO News WhiteOak Capital MF debuts with Flexi Cap NFO

    WhiteOak Capital MF debuts with Flexi Cap NFO

    NFO opens on July 12 and closes on July 26.
    Jul 8, 2022

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    WhiteOak Capital MF has launched its first NFO - WhiteOak Capital Flexi Cap Fund. Interestingly, this is the industry’s first NFO launch after SEBI’s 3-month ban.

    The open-ended scheme aims at generating long-term wealth by creating a balanced portfolio comprising both cyclical and counter-cyclical sectors to outperform across various market cycles.

    Aashish Somaiyaa, CEO, WhiteOak Capital MF believes that there is a vacuum of actively managed funds in India. He said, “WhiteOak Capital MF intends to fill a vacuum of actively managed funds in India. Our company has instituted a performance-first culture, earning the confidence of investors in India as well as overseas.”

    Commenting on the launch, Ramesh Mantri, CIO, WhiteOak Capital MF said, “We consciously seek to maintain a balanced portfolio reflecting our team’s stock selection capabilities rather than being driven by non-stock specific macro factors such as market timing, sector, currency or other such factor exposures.”

    Prateek Pant, Chief Business Officer, WhiteOak Capital MF added, “We are excited to launch the first product from WhiteOak Capital Mutual Fund’s basket in the form of a Flexicap Fund. We aim to launch a range of funds over the next year and a half. We will cover India well beyond the metro cities including B30 locations, to achieve higher inclusivity through omni-channel presence across physical, virtual and digital channels.”

    The NFO opens for subscription on July 12 and closes on July 26.

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