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  • NFO News WhiteOak Capital MF launches an actively managed smart beta fund

    WhiteOak Capital MF launches an actively managed smart beta fund

    The NFO is currently open and closes on January 22.
    Team Cafemutual Jan 13, 2025

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    Whiteoak Capital Mutual Fund has launched Whiteoak Capital Quality Equity Fund, an open-ended equity scheme following the quality theme. 

    The fund will primarily focus on companies with strong fundamentals with the ability to generate reasonable earnings and withstand economic stress.

    In a press release, Aashish Somaiyaa, CEO, WhiteOak Capital MF said, “It has been observed that companies with high quality characteristics like strong management and high governance standards exhibit greater resilience and outperformance over the long term, more so during periods of economic and market uncertainty. In the last 3 years quality businesses which may have shown good earnings profiles have still underperformed because the market has been in favor of value factor themes and favoring cyclical businesses driven by macros like commodity prices, geopolitics, government policy, interest rates etc. Markets are relative value seeking and mean reverting, we believe it is time to shift to quality in 2025.”

    The fund will invest 80-100% of its portfolio in equity & equity-related instruments of companies following the quality theme, 0-20% in equity & equity-related instruments of other companies, 0-20% in debt and money market instruments and 

    The fund will be managed by Ramesh Mantri (Equity), Trupti Agarwal (Assistant Fund Manager, Equity), Dheeresh Pathak (Assistant Fund Manager, Equity), and Piyush Baranwal (Debt).


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