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  • News From Press What is the ideal time to exit from a badly performing mutual fund?

    What is the ideal time to exit from a badly performing mutual fund?

    Source: Mint Apr 15, 2023

    Investments in mutual funds can be beneficial for building wealth over the long term, but they are also subject to a variety of risks. The most common types of risks associated with investing in mutual funds are market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, and inflation risk; as a result, your mutual fund performance may suffer. You can manage your portfolio and avoid a slump by having a basic understanding of these risks. Usually, when a mutual fund begins to perform poorly, a lot of investors withdraw their money from the scheme and prefer to make an exit, but are they really required to do so? Let's take opinions from our different industry experts on what is the ideal time to exit from a worst performing mutual fund.  

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