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  • Wealthbeats A Journey called “Wealth Beats”

    A Journey called “Wealth Beats”

    Let us find out what Wealth Beats means to advisors.
    Daya Ragunathan Jul 25, 2017

    It has been over a year since we launched BSLMF Wealth Beats and the response has been extremely encouraging. A recent survey conducted by Cafemutual revealed that 82% of readers were inspired by ideas shared on Wealth Beats. These participants said that they have implemented some of the ideas they read about on Wealth Beats, which helped them strengthen their practice.

    We asked a few advisors about their views on Wealth Beats. Let us read what they have to share.

    Pradeep Kumar Jain, PMPK Wealth, Ranchi

    What I like best about Wealth Beats is its authentic content. The articles are not just random suggestions, but ideas which have worked in real life. Anyone can read these articles and implement the ideas shared. Both the columns and the book are a storehouse of inspiring IFA journeys, which have the potential to be role models for newcomers.

    The secret of my success is my constant pursuit to learn from other IFAs. Whenever I visit a city, I try to meet my peers and see how they run their practice. By doing this I learn of ways to improve my practice. Wealth Beats does just that – it helps me learn about my peers by bringing all these inspiring stories on a single platform.

    Datta Kanbargi, Belgaum

    The best thing about Wealth Beats is the quality of articles. The stories shared here are inspiring. I enjoy learning about innovative methods implemented by my peers across the industry. In fact, I learnt about WhatsApp marketing through Wealth Beats.


    Mukesh Dedhia, Ghalla Bhansali, Mumbai

    I enjoy reading Wealth Beats. The stories are very interesting. I especially look forward to reading about the motivation behind other IFAs, their marketing efforts, their use of technology. When I read about the marketing techniques IFAs have been implementing, I feel I need to carry out similar drives in my office too.

    Going forward, I would like to read more about how people adapt to regulatory changes and how technology is adapted across segments.

    Bharat Bagla, Bees Network, Kolkata

    Wealth Beats has improved a lot over the months. I like to browse through the articles, as there are quite a few that are interesting. I especially look at how other advisors do their scheme selection. Going forward, I would like to read more about how my peers are using technology to grow their businesses. In addition, the articles could be more visually vibrant with representations that are pictorial.

    Alka Pramod Chitnis, Satara

    The advisory stories portrayed lend a glimpse into how other advisors are running their businesses. It gave me a unique opportunity to learn about the client acquisition and retention activities. I recommend this to all my friends who want to get into the advisory business. Going forward, I look forward to video content on these pages, as they will make reading about the advisory journey more entertaining.


    Shiva Prasad Konduru, Warangal

    Both the Wealth Beats Book and columns are a quick-fix for peer-to-peer learning in the advisory business. The book especially is a carry-along guide to some of the best advisory minds of our times. I enjoy reading all the innovations advisors are carrying out to expand their businesses. Inspired by some of the stories, I have implemented a few client-handling strategies, which have started to bear fruit. It is after reading the book that I have started to make a conscious effort to attend conferences, and enhance my knowledge.

    I recommend the book all the time to my peers, especially those that have just started out in the advisory world. What I like about the concept is that there is some learning for everyone, no matter where he or she is on the advisory journey.


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    Jagdish · 7 years ago `
    Sir were do I get the whelth beats need to read it
    Snigdha · 7 years ago `
    Thank you for writing in Jagdish, you can go through the entire collection of Wealth Beats here,
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