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  • Vivriti Debt ++ GIFT IFSCA to facilitate ease of doing business for fund management entities and distributors

    GIFT IFSCA to facilitate ease of doing business for fund management entities and distributors

    Revised rules will be based on the experience gained in last 2 years.
    Abhinay Kumar Dec 25, 2024

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    GIFT International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSC), in its recent Annual report 2023-24, said that the following year will mark the review of the IFSCA (Fund Management) Regulations,2022.

    The review process will focus on facilitating the ease of doing business. It will be based on the experience gained in the last 2 years towards implementation of the regulations.

    IFSCA said that it will also review the existing framework for distributors of capital market products & services. Some of the likely changes would be doing away with the restriction on distributors from accepting fees from clients.

    IFSCA said that the upcoming review of the regulations will look into current restrictions in the light of global best practices around fund management.

    During this process, IFSCA will also consider the feedback from the market participants.

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