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  • MF News ‘SEBI should discourage AMCs to send distributors on junkets’

    ‘SEBI should discourage AMCs to send distributors on junkets’

    HDFC Chairman, Deepak Parekh believes junkets have become a common practice across the financial services industry; these rewards create imbalance in the market.
    Nishant Patnaik Aug 23, 2018

    HDFC Chairman, Deepak Parekh urged SEBI to discourage AMCs to reward distributors with junkets.He was speaking at the second AMFI Mutual Fund Summit held today in Mumbai.

    Expressing his concern over unusually high commission payouts to distributors, Parekh said that going forward commission of distributors will be the key issue in shaping the industry. “While TER is capped, there are some concerns on how distributors are being incentivized. Of course, we cannot undermine the role of distributors in growth and development of the industry. I sometimes wonder, how 5000 distributors service 80 million customers. Unfortunately, some distributors are being lured by higher commission and incentives.”

    Parekh further said that such a practice leads to mis-selling of mutual funds.   “When a distributor begins to play a game of hopping and shopping, the outcome is great deal of mis-selling. Such practices eventually hurt retail investors.”

    Talking about the root cause of this issue, he said, “In my view, the problem is intense competition in the industry.  While a few AMCs deviate from the norms, it creates pressure for other AMCs to follow  suit in order to retain their business. Clearly, one doesn’t want to encourage a practice where distributors demand freebies and exotic holidays. And if the demand is not fulfilled, they take the business elsewhere. I am personally against the practice of rewarding distributors with foreign and domestic holidays in the name of training program. In many countries, this practice is illegal.”

    Parekh urged SEBI to stop such practices. He said, “First of all, is your customer really aware of these incentives while buying your product. Will they buy your product, if they come to know about these practices? I think transparency and disclosure is the only way forward. I hope regulator should stop these practices which has become very common. This problem isn’t unique in just mutual funds, it is even more common in insurance and other financial products.”

    He further said, “When there is a consensus of self-discipline and adherence to the code of conduct, the regulator has to step in to clamp down on undesirable practices. At this point in time, most retail investors need handholding of distributors and they are unwilling to pay additional charge for advisory fees. The challenge is how we inculcate a culture where distributors recommend a fund based on its merit and not based on the product commission.”

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    Solomon · 5 years ago `
    I agree Mr. Parekh with your junket comment with regards to AMCs.

    But have you ever checked what LIC and other Insurance do and incentive...

    Your HDFC Bank sells products like Insurance as investment with the highest commission.

    Have you checked these facts and details?
    anurag dureha · 5 years ago
    Very correct. IRDA must make investments in Insurance also as transparent and as cost effective.
    Saurabh Arora · 5 years ago
    Absolutely correct...i too agree...
    p k khuntia · 5 years ago
    Dear Deepak Parekh, How much salary you got per month? and how much hr you work per the organisation? why you getting salary more than President of India, ? Justify
    sheetal kumar Khemka · 5 years ago
    completely agree ,reveal fund manager fees also.
    vinay · 5 years ago
    I do agree, and why there is no cap on national distributors,as industry has huge concentration from large National distributor, why individual IFA has to be affected.
    Prashant · 5 years ago
    This is not right. What will happen is insurance commissions will also reduce and if that happens how will it benefit us? We have to fight for our right and not punch on other fellow distributor's stomach. Please don't do it. It will divide us from the whereas we should unite with them because they have a much larger nos with them that will help us to be heard.????????.
    Prashant · 5 years ago `
    High commissions? Is 1% high commission? Tell me one industry where the commission is one percent? And also called as high commission? If this is the only thing that is going to shape up the industry then remove distributors completely. On one hand you are saying that you cannot deny our role but you want us to decide the commission so you want us to be at your mercy. Also kindly check the commission earned by your bank on the third party products and tell them to let it go then the investors will be benefitted because banks only and o ly misselland we never do that.

    Shame on you to say something like this

    Prashant · 5 years ago
    He should actuay sit in one of his bank branches and he will come to know what is misselling. And he should also come with us to know what kind of process we do before selling any product to any client. We never just look at the client's bank account to know the amount of money he or she has and then immediately call and dupe the client and put the money in the product not at all suitable for them and we don't put client's money in mutual fund when they come to renew FDs saying they will get 1% dividend every month compared to 6% in FD. Like one of their fund which claims to give 1% per month dividend which is the biggest misselling of their own product. Their own fund house and their official apart from banks are misselling big time. In fact all AMC official's salary should be capped and regulated by SEBI. Which is SEBI's actual duty whereas they are behind our commissions which is already very wet low. Our dignity is undermined here by all these people and we should all come together and fight this menace and show them what unity can do.
    Kuldeep · 5 years ago
    The thing he said is proper but Totally agreed with your view they must first look that whats going on in their own organisation befor cursing individual distributors.
    Jayanna.a.c · 5 years ago `
    ETHICS APPLY FOR IFA COMUNITY ONLY, so don't ask for it at HDFC BANK and HDFC life insurance COMPANY....!
    Brijesh Daga · 5 years ago `
    Incentives are main culprit for miss selling and I have suggestion to SEBI regarding incentivizing distributor. The way TER is being regulated, commission should be fixed for all sorts of Distributors immaterial of AUM / Volume of business. AMC actually bribe us in the name of volume or market share of our business. My suggestion are as ....
    1. Same commission to all sorts of distributors,
    2. No other incentives in form of gifts & trips,
    3. Instead SEBI should make a fund the way " Investor Education fund" and "Awarness Fund" ETC which are compulsory contributed by all the AMCs, and that fund should be utilized to inventivise distributors directly by SEBI /AMFI on the different parameters including ethical practices.

    Incentives must seems like honoring rather than bribing.........................
    Mehul Shah · 5 years ago `
    With Due respect to Mr. Dipak Parekh Sir, if free junkets and higher commissions are removed than net profit of hdfc bank will be not as rossy as it looks.

    Indian medical association working for doctors.
    I want to know that how AMFI is utilizing moneies collected as ARN fees for welfare of industry and advisors.

    All the wrong practices are happening under the nose of AMFI and half of them are done by banks. We all are aware about how banks sell cap pro..God Bless investors
    SANDEEP · 5 years ago
    with CAP Pro ,DAF also which was sold by india`s major Bank as FD.
    Vishal Rastogi · 5 years ago `
    I smell incompetative spray by respected Deepak Parikh sir, with half d picture of Financial product world. As we all know HDFC AMC rarely play any freebies on their product sale due to which many of d Top distributors of smaller cities rarely contributes them, but y only MF business is targeted where 1% looks too high.

    Sir , i personally welcome ur suggestion but don't u think it should be started from AMC itself, first cut off d perk of ur staff's, lower down ur fees....... cutt off ur margin etc.
    K V RAGHUPATHI · 5 years ago `
    Dear Mr Deepak Parekh,

    Would you please find some time to reach out to your own AMC-HDFC how many foreign trips they scheduled since they propagating HDFC Prudence Funds, and why. It is sold as substitute to bank deposits to common men that too retires. If you are ignorant of this, I am sorry.

    It is pity that none, whether regulator, bunch of AMCs under AMFI don’t consider distributors are the cheapest Human Resource available and utilised by the industry. Tell me gentleman why we should pay service tax when your industry is the service receiver and we are the service providers. If industry don’t hear us, we are not here to stay with hungry life.

    Just yesterday afternoon my business had received an invitation from HDFC Mutual fund executive to attend event at Dubai from September 2018 for three days. We are stationed at Shimoga, Karnataka. Please check for the facts.

    There is a say in English - HE, WHO CAN, DOES. WHO CANNOT, TEACHES.

    Vishal Vashisht · 5 years ago `
    Traditional insurance products give commission as high as 40 %. No body cares. Just 20 paise incentives in the form of motivational tour is hurting.
    Jaswinder singh · 5 years ago `
    Mr dipak parekh, distributor brokerage rate is already capped by sebi. Why not to cap the amc employees salary & also yours. As there are presence of RTA like CAMS & KARVY every where, So why not to close amc branches which runs on fixed & big cost on investor's money. When you are pointing finger towards someone, four fingers are pointing you.
    Praveen · 5 years ago
    Pls ensure your fund managers salaries and employees salaries are linked to fund performance. Have you ever checked the size of HDFC AMCS branches in context with other AMCS ? You have a lavish set up and high cost inventory. Also check what your HDFCBank is doing they sell ULIPS projecting then as Mutual Funds. Pls don’t forget they SEBI’s action on allocation of your HDFC AMC stocks to select distributors. We IFAS work for our clients well being unlike your banks. Pls note.
    Jyoti · 5 years ago `
    Mr Deepak parekh, you have concern about misselling on mutual fund but haven't concern about misselling on HDFC life insurance policies which making Fool the customers. Lot of client suffered from the not getting break even returns from your insurance product And agents getting high commission @ 40% and also employee of the company getting high incentives And foreign trips. Have you cross check that your bank doing the wrong practices sells only high commission insurance products.
    ashoke Kumar Badu · 5 years ago `
    Sir, just stand in front of a mirror & ask yourself about your policies laid down for HDFC AMC, HDFC Bank & HDFC Life, hopefully you will get your answer easily.
    Ganesh T K B · 5 years ago `
    Is all ethics only for IFA community, why don't IRDA disclose the commission paid to it's agent and the incentive schemes
    Vikas · 5 years ago `
    Totally bull shit. Boycott such type of AMC .
    As their banks are selling third party products in big way. Offering incentive ,drink party and much more to the selling employee .
    Shiva prasad konduru · 5 years ago `
    Accept my challenge can u sellone SIP to common man, your bank looting account holder hardearning money by selling wrong products taking high pay from AMCs
    Samrat Bhusan Swain · 5 years ago
    Dear Mr.pareekh
    CTC, foreign trips you are getting from hdfc is also Investors' money......Now a days retail investors are mostly cheated by bank employees.....You may survey it...Stop cross selling in your bank branches,then express your views...
    Anup · 5 years ago `
    Please see what your Hdfc Bank is doing just Dont bark because of some standing in Society. M not saving there is no misselling. I will give 100customers missold by Hdfc. They mis sell Insurance rather than Mfs
    Prashant Kumar · 5 years ago `
    Sir by simply making this industry based on all trail model will solve all the problems. Its a win win situation for every one distributor, investors as well as Amc's. Trail should be uniform across the industry. This practice will discourage unecessary churning.
    Arun Sharma · 5 years ago `
    Mr Parekh seems to be highly ill informed. Please explain this to me how an SIP of Rs 10000/- PM can generate very high commissions to the distributor @ 1% (very high case scenario, actually about 70 BPS post GST). Actually please apply your mind and explain when would this SIP even break even, given at least Rs 1400/- is the cost of acquisition of one client if you are doing it through an employee.

    Maybe someone who has an existing AUM can subsidize, but for new distributor the business itself is not sustainable.

    Mr Parekh, you wonder how 5000 distributors are servicing 80 million investors??? Firstly your information is wrong here. Secondly you do this calculation and see why not many distributors are getting added.

    Because the stalwarts like yourselves are turning against the industry.
    Amit · 5 years ago `
    Mr. Deepak Grass is always looks greener at others side do you know if you take a sharp look on your HDFC Group what exactly they are doing in bank is well known in details by the that so called 5000 IFAs. And trust me they are alone the one Key to such a Growth Story of your AMC Asset Size which personally I know the back stabbing practices of HDFC AMC always suggest IFA clients to invest directly into HDFC Funds try to directly connect with IFA clients now I understood why they do So it's the Chairman Motivational training to The Employees of HDFC Group to Bang the IFA Community
    Sanjay · 5 years ago `
    Deepak Parekh Sir,

    I am thankful to you for writing or speaking on mutual funds. You are a very important and busy person. Truly, I would like to invite you for a presentation on all financial products ( salaries structures of employees) / commissions / incentives etc. Kindly have a study on particularly on Insuance industry in details and it's costs (salaries of staff) and commissions and incentives. Kindly have a study on pressures on bank employees to sell insurances. Kindly have a study on skewed nature of ESOPs where only a few employees get huge ESOPs. Kindly have a study on valuations of listed AMCs.

    Believe me Sir, it's utmost difficult to gain from direct equity markets and mutual fund distributors are really doing a wonderful and best job for the investors and nation at large by selling a relatively low risk equity product ( with superior returns).

    Sir, your HDFC, HDFC BANK, HDFC AMC, HDFC STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE, HDFC ERGO employees have corporate benefits like loans at negligible interest rates, a big group term insurance, a big health insurance policy for self, family and parents, leaves in case of prolong illnesses. Sir, you have great contacts with companies, SEBI, AMFI, you should initiate such benefits for distributors too.

    Sir, I am more than willing to meet us to highlight the difficulties in life of distributor.

    Rajesh Hattangady · 5 years ago `
    While there is no denying of the fact that, such trips in the disguise of training programmes should be curbed. There is another side to the coin too, while Mr Parekh is entitled to speak on Mutual funds alone since he was on AMFI platform, one should also keep in mind the insurance commissions and the freebies that is on offer from all insurance companies concerned.
    Secondly, while everyone is entitled to comment, I do not THiiNK 1% is way too much. It's known fact that the IFA has been more than successful in retaining an investor vis-a-viz an investor who invests through either direct or from banks. This itself shows the IFA handles the irrational emotions of the investor and does invest considerable time on the client than any other channel.
    Third, one can't penalise the entire IFA community for the misgivings of few bad IFA. Introducing better compliance standards should be welcomed rather than penalising.
    Fourth and the last point, while change will always be the only constant, and the IFA who has client as his prime focus will never deter from his duty, the mutual fund industry can do at least one good thing by reducing the carbon footprint and at least introduce one common application form. To expect everyone to change is fine, yet change starts from self and introducing a common application form across all AMC will reduce so much of cost, dont you THiiNK so?
    Chetan · 5 years ago `
    Are all these comments expressed here shared with the regulator or the person who has given such statements on our commission.

    I went to one of the HDFC bank branch for some work 6 months back, and while waiting for my turn to come I observed that a person came with a SoA. He asked the employee that he has done an SIP in elss fund 3 years back now the 3 year has completed and he wants to withdraw
    ganeshbabu · 5 years ago `
    Mis selling the word aptly fit to AMCs then why you are encouraging high commission product it is because you can't sell it on direct platform as my friends written earlier ask your bank to get away selling MF and insurance let it be direct selling them why advisor is recruited
    Sanjay · 5 years ago `

    It is always said DEEPAK TALE ANDHERA. I think Mr Parekh shall go to the bank branch and ask for FD and bank staff will try to convince for a product which will give higher return than FD. If you insist for FD they will fill the form of FD with a carbon paper and below carbon tey keep a form of insurance and your money will be invested in insurance. And more you will receive the policy document only after free look period. And then your bank will give the selu person a foreign trip a huge bonus and many more..... I am sorry to to say that now a days bank is doing everything other than banking just bcoz the official of the bank are pressuring the RMs to third party products.
    Platty · 5 years ago `
    I hope all the above comments reach Mr. Parekh so that he knows what is the reality. Most IFAs this is their only lively hood with no perks like travel allowance etc. Mr. Parekh is on so many companies Boards. I hope he stops taking seating fees and pays his own travel cost. As rightly said by one of IFA v guve service to customers and v pay GST. Hope Jr. Pzrekh use his high offices and get us freedom from this government's bill shot.
    Utpal Mehta · 5 years ago `
    In all financial distribution industry Mr. Parekh is seeing only higher commission in mutual fund industry only, max 1% commission for retail ifa S are if higher for him then why banks are selling maximum mutual funds to their customers, stop selling mutual fund through banks, it has been general observation n opinion of few hni n retail customers that bank RM S have sold them wrong mutual fund scheme n now they are not taking responsibilities.

    Whereas mutual fund distributor is liable to give answer to the customers.

    Life insurance industry is offering max commission up-to 60% , some LIC agents are paying premiums from their pockets to lure customers for new insurance policy.

    Why industry giants are not able to see such malpractices , why only mutialfund business in their eyes?

    Mr. Deepak if u feel that misselling of mutual funds are by ifas then u r wrong, look at banking channel first check the ratio of misselling first then give such statements.

    Dilip Shenoy · 5 years ago
    IFA's - "the low hanging fruits" "sitting ducks" "mandir ka ghanta - har koi baja ke jata hai".
    Amit Sharma · 5 years ago
    Mr.Parekh - Do you know that your HDFC employees sells ULIPs and high commission products. Your bank RM sells personal loan product saying lending at 8% interest (without revealing its a flat rate of interest. actually its 15% interest with reducing balance). First of all stop misselling from your own home bank. I am for sure no bank can run on such a big scale with less than 1% commission in any product. As a top boss you know all this and this statement is just to increase the banking business.

    Your bank RM sells HDFC ULIP product in the name of Mutual funds. Please stop unethical and misguiding activities in your own bank and then you should come out with a logical suggestion.
    vikas · 5 years ago
    MR Parekhji, please stop giving high brokerage and junkies to your group companies, and stop looking at other packages, if you do that people will surely find out your at fault
    Anil Salvi · 5 years ago
    HDFC Bank is the most unethical practices. HDFC Bank will check the balance in the Bank Account and suggest insurance policies as per their targets. How is this justified?
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