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  • MF News Trail commission comes down post ban on upfront commission

    Trail commission comes down post ban on upfront commission

    In most instances, AMCs have reduced trail commission to the extent of 30 bps.
    Nishant Patnaik Nov 2, 2018

    Trail commission of distributors have come down drastically post the ban on upfront commission. In fact, in a few instances, a few AMCs have reduced trail commission of distributors to an extent of 0.30%.

    Though only a handful of fund houses have released their brokerage structure, others are expected to follow this structure.

    A CEO of a mid-sized fund house attributed this decline to expected reduction in TER. “In my view, most fund houses have factored in the proposed reduction in TER structure. Though the amendment in regulations on reduction of TER is still awaited, most fund houses have been trying to check their costs.”

    Another key reason for this reduction is that AMCs will have to pay such commissions from scheme and not from AMC book. This reduces the capacity of fund houses to pay commissions. “SEBI has clarified that AMCs cannot give commission from their books. Also, the market regulator said that the difference between the expense ratio of direct and regulator plans would now be to the extent of distribution commission,” said a CEO of an emerging fund house.

    Meanwhile, a few AMCs have introduced a new trail structure for B30 distributors under the head ‘Annual Retention Incentive for B30 locations’ to compensate distributors having assets under advisory from B30 locations. This has replaced upfront commission paid to distributors for B30 assets. So far, fund houses have paid such upfront commissions of upto 2%. However, a few distributors told Cafemutual that such a payout has been reduced by 0.50% to 1.50% in an all trail structure.

    Last week, SEBI has banned upfront commission in mutual funds and directed fund houses to follow all-trail model to compensate their distributors. In addition, SEBI has asked fund houses not to do any upfronting of trail commission.

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    S.K.Sahasrabudhe · 5 years ago `
    SEBI top officers sitting in A.C room are taking such harmful decisions .we are not working for charity.we are spending our time as well as transport charges for mobilising the business.After 2 to 3 hours discussions client ultimately prepares himself to start SIP of Rs 1000 or looking to the attitude of SEBI it does not want distributor community in this M.f.Industry.This is because AMCs AUM are increasing day by day so they are also not worried about this whimsical decision of SEBI.As to why these parameters are not applied to Insurance industries God knows.Only remedy as seen today is to file write petition with Supreme court
    GURUNATH.B.NADGIR · 5 years ago `
    It is an unfair regulation suppressing the IFA community. And ultimately fund flow will reduce to AMCs it means inflow to capital market also reduce the the fate of industry and market may tend to total uncertainity it's impact will be to Whole of investor community. All the more it reflects national economy.
    In such a scenario Finance Minister has interfer to direct SEBI to alter or amend the regulation.
    In case within a period this matter is not reviewed and revised we will have to stop collecting funds to any fund house.
    C.L.ASWATHANARAYANA · 5 years ago `
    Instead of leaving the payment of "service (rendered) charges considering the various factors" to the discretion of the investor SEBI/AMFI may set aside (say) one or two percent of the AUM and decide the quantum and pay IFAs directly service charges from such consolidated fund depending on the no. of applications / investments procured. One investor after going through the application asked ' I have NOT appointed you why should I pay you y
    C.L.ASWATHANARAYANA · 5 years ago `
    One of my NEW investor after going through the application told me "Here it says that Upfront commission has to be paid by the investor directly to the distributor depending on the service rendered. Who has appointed you?. Myself or SEBI?". He further opined that no one can say " I have appointed you but you take your salary from others". When I told him it is similar to the practice prevailing in Medical and Legal fields that the clients pay for the services/consultations rendered, he retorted saying " I am a physician (Doctor) attached to a hospital and my employer will not say I have appointed you and you collect your fees".
    Hence, it is better that we all suggest SEBI that each Fund House set aside a percent or two of their AUM and decide the amount payable to IFAs as service charges depending on the no. of applications / amount invested. This will avoid the embarrassment to IFAs and the investor feel happy that they are not parting any amount from their pocket.

    ???? ?????? ???? · 5 years ago `
    ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?? ???? ?? ifa ?? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? upfront ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? 5 ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??????
    Aditi · 5 years ago `
    This is slow killing of small IFA's. The play is from the new big entrants i.e. online direct sites and various mobile apps like Paytm and others. they have pushed the SEBI for these actions so that small agents die and once these sites and apps have good AUM they will move to the regular plans and earn huge commission.
    Currently also they have a tie up with the AMC's for side commission by selling direct plans.
    Mainka Sharma · 5 years ago `
    Please tell me how could we survive without any upfront. After this AMC n SEBI decision who will sell Mutual Fund???
    SANDEEP K · 5 years ago `
    I think ....i am looking with different perspective...

    1. We advisors should enhance pocket share of our clients likewise bank....We should perform duties to client like bankers

    2. Our preferred advice always remained SIP and Equity Funds.... We should promote other funds too as per client's suitability... We must create advisors ALPHA which online platforms may not be able to deliver

    3. Other need based products should be canvassed

    4. Be transparent so client will remain his faith on us

    5. We must gain technical Know-How and analysis of markets, different factors which impacts market movements and timely communications to client... So client will be educated and informed

    6. Complete professional relation with client and clarity on duties of IFA

    7. Reduction in TER will ultimately enhance investors return so in turn enhance in trail income (It need patience too)

    8. Continues self education and skill development

    9. Form IFA societies or syndicate or groups in which collective investment to be done in property and other thing so the IFA's can generate second line of income through Rental yield or Interest or Dividends

    10. Regular meeting and promotion of financial awareness in geographical area and become Financial Star Advisor...

    11. Group of advisors / IFA's can finance local entrepreneur or help to setup new business and can earn regular income .

    Friends its just my opinion i expressed.
    DONTHULA SURYA PRAKASH · 5 years ago `
    Present AMFI and SEBI encouraging direct plans, inthat's way somany investors are loosing thier money with thier own (lack of) knowledge and wrong investments in equity market. They are thinking only variation in charges.but what about thier capital protection? AMFI and SEBI destroyingMutual fund industry and indirectly encouraging Insurance industry.
    I am directly questioning to AMFI and SEBI chairman, If you have any health problem DIRECT(ly) you can google and get medicene, but why are you going to doctors? and paying fees?
    Mr SEBI chairman ... If you remove direct plans then somany people will be benifited with correct advise regular investments.
    Dear IFA friends, we must fight about commission structure and removal of direct investment plans.
    ashok kumar koul · 5 years ago `
    Deep thinking and unity is presently the need of the hour because we must think over it ,so that we can have a fruitful outcome from it.
    NIHAR LALIT DOSHI · 5 years ago `
    Firstly ,Sebi has introduced the :DIRECT OPTION" in M/F industry. This is the first blow to the IFA's, since we put so much of effort in educating the clients, giving our valuable time and energy. All IFA's are suffering. There is a drastic fall in commisions in the last 4 months. Sebi's argument is that there has been a lot of churning in the industry. This is all bull shit. The maximum investments come through small clients with S.I.P's ranging from 1000 to Rs 5000 per month. They are not fools to churn their portfolios in 3 4 months. This is not a stock that can be trade. Churning happens only in liquid funds, which are short term in nature. This is fine. Sebi has taken this decision without even consulting or informing the IFA's or the higher authorities. They want us to do charity. Its like asking a person to do a job without taking salary.How can distributors survive only on trail commisions. HDFC AMC has grown its AUM manifold in the last 5 yrs. And see the logic, they have reduced the trail commisions whose AUM has reached a certain level. We have grown their business to crores of rupees, and see the result. Now distributors will shift their business to those AMC's whose AUM is less. Once their AUM reaches a certain level, the same thing will happen. Payout will be reduced drastically. This is a nightmare for us. Govt has no income from MF's so they are not bothered. LIC has cleared said that they will not change their structure. An S.IP of Rs 5000 per month for 1 Yr (5000x12= Rs 60000). Even if we get 1% trail , the monthly income will come to Rs 50/-. This is ridiculous. We are worse than beggers. They earn more than us.Do we deserve this kind of treatment from the authorities. Our parents have spent lacs on us to get us to our own feet. And see where we are today. And all this is happening in the "REGIME" of Mr Modi. He is promising more jobs, here we are losing everything. Acche din ayenge, my foot. We should all protect and come out on the streets Ask any SEBI employee to sell 1 S.I.P to a client, then they will come to know. They are just not bothered. We should file a petition against SEBI and also write to the Finance Ministry. i am with all of you and if this continues for a few months, then lot of IFA's will not be there in this world. its a shame on their part. The people of india should know this and we should also knock the doors of the media and raise our voices.
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