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  • MF News ‘Trail commission is more of annuity income and it compounds over time’

    ‘Trail commission is more of annuity income and it compounds over time’

    Prathit Bhobe, CEO & MD, Tata Mutual Fund talks about the recent regulatory changes in the industry.
    Team Cafemutual May 16, 2019

    Your fund house had over 15% AUM growth in FY 19. What led to this growth?

    Post re-categorisation we had many product white-spaces to be filled. We were absent in many mainstream categories such as smallcap, multicap, balanced advantage fund, arbitrage, ultra short-term etc.  AMCs are often criticised for being pro-cyclical i.e. more funds are launched when markets are doing well. We thought of launching products at a time when it was difficult to raise money in NFOs but at the same time, we could sense the investment experience of those investors would be much better. 

    How do you plan to sustain this growth?

    Growth can be sustained by two factors – better performance and deeper engagement.  Our focus has been on both.  Performance is something that we can’t control but our belief is that if you take care of the process, the outcome will take care of itself. This coupled with deeper engagement, be it physical or digital, is the key to sustained growth.

    AMFI has asked you to suggest measures to attract new distributors. What would you recommend, considering commissions have reduced?

    Trail income has changed this into an annuity business.  It aligns investor and distributor interest quite well. We see there is a huge supply gap on the distribution side since the number of investors having MFs is a small population compared to the opportunity size. As awareness and penetration increases, there will be a need for many advisors/distributors and there is no dearth of opportunity.

    Experts believe that the ban on upfront commission may discourage new entrants to the  distribution business and shift the focus of existing distributors to other products. What is your view on this?

    That may not be entirely true.  Market forces adjust to new realities. In the last decade or so we have seen many changes in the MF industry: Removal of entry load, introduction of direct plans, capping of upfront commission, TER reduction and more recently removal of upfront commission. Change is a constant and eventually we will have to move on.  We cannot wish it away, so embracing it rather than resisting it the next best option.

    Coming specifically to MFs, one needs to understand that this is a repeat engagement product. Beyond a point there is diminishing marginal utility for other products in one’s portfolio unless the bedrock/core portfolio is anchored around MFs.

    Since the commission structure and incentives of distributors are more or less similar across fund houses, how will you ensure that you continue to get good business from your top distributors?

    I think it would be a mistake to premise it only on commission. It does not give you sustainable competitive advantage. In a fiercely competitive business, what gives us an edge is our brand. We believe people like to get associated with our brand and in the financial business, where the currency is trust, this is a great advantage to have. That is not easily replicable.

    Clients and distributors like to be associated with our brand and it is a big door-opener for us. We will continue to enhance and leverage our brand.

    In your opinion, how can distributors grow their business in an all-trail era?

    Like I mentioned earlier, the objectives of the investor, distributor and asset manager are more congruent now than earlier.  Deferred gratification was always seen as a virtue in the financial world, as it allowed your money to compound over long periods of time. With trail commission it may potentially reduce unnecessary churn and it aligns well with investor interest. For distributors, it becomes more of annuity income and their income also compounds along with market moves and it also compounds incentives, building up a large AUM book.

    Of course, it has caused dislocation/disruption in the short term since their current income streams and business overheads may be more attuned to upfront commission in some cases. So the heavy lifting has to happen in the first 12 to 18 months of transition from upfront to trail; but distributors need to understand that all-trail is beneficial in the long run.

    SEBI has been pushing fund houses to promote direct plans among investors. How do you plan to promote direct plans and align interests of distributors at the same time?

    One thing I would like to state upfront is that this was, is and will significantly be an intermediated business in the future. I don’t see a contradiction between direct and distribution and both will co-exist. It is a choice that clients have. Take the case of pizzas. If you wish to have a pizza you have two choices: a) DIY – do it yourself i.e. get all the ingredients and bake it yourself or b) simply order one.  If you are a direct customer and you know how to make your own portfolio, the client should have the option of doing so; but if you feel the need for assistance, you will have to pay for advice/fulfilment/service. There will be both kinds of customers, and they are mutually exclusive.

    The investments business is less about investment management and more about investor management and that’s where the distributors play a key role. For those investors who are savvy and wish to do it themselves, we need to give them an equally credible alternative and I don’t see any contradiction here.

    We have seen the emergence of direct plan sellers like Paytm money and ET money. How do you think it will impact distributors selling regular plans?

    Like I said earlier, the client segments are different. We don’t live in a binary world. Direct and regular can co-exist in harmony. Clients have to choose what suits them; we cannot deny them options. Direct options are not meant only for the HNI category. Even in retail, there will be clients who may want to opt for direct and such platforms cater to them.

    Direct plans have been around for over 5 years. We have still seen a growth in regular plans. This is because the opportunity size is very large, clients and distribution is still at a nascent stage; MF penetration is still quite low. That’s what excites us when we look ahead. We have miles to go.


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    Om prakash jaiswal · 5 years ago `
    But what can you say about catgerisation of TER, fact is that after this my trail income is deployed by 40 bps infact from the implementation of TER all burden will be drop in on ifa community and after this it will be dangerous for survival of ifa community.
    Vishal Rastogi · 5 years ago `
    Well Sir..... A diplomatic answer to the question in relation to IFA business...... Imp. no AMC of regulator is ready to understand that no any business sustain without an appropriate business interest (i.e. commission or profit)............ Do you look it as the present payout is sufficient , if yes plz. illustrate with cost of acquiring & service ..............I afraid no one talks on it !
    Om prakash jaiswal · 5 years ago
    yes Sir, no one want to talk on this matter.
    Yes Mr.Rastogi there should be proper remuneration for those who bring business.Yes,no body talks about cost of acquiring & service.Why the bulk passing is only on IFA.Why not on AMC,Fund manager or staff salary.It is not justified.Please relook on the decisions taken.
    ANURAG BHATNAGAR · 5 years ago `
    Diplomatic Answer ..These kind of answer has become Rather just for interview now. Why don't they Lower their Salaries . They are getting heavy pay cheque and why only IFA is penalised . Did they think IFA's are toy in their hands and we will not shift . Don't we have families to run. SEBI has done nothing for us as well and i don't think the people sitting are just justifying their positions. India has so much to come up and they should work in ground supporting IFA's and not leading their earning fall down. SEBI shd instruct all AMC's to immediately cut down salaries of all TOP management . Let's see what they say on this than .Moreover, AMC's can lower down their costing , say use of printed material where ever it can be done , Cut their team Travel cost or lower down.........If you Agree , will need support..
    ANISH · 5 years ago
    San Chor hai...simple
    Suranjan Sharma · 5 years ago `
    Okk sir .. if distbuter income is good then come up ifa business ..
    Prashant · 5 years ago `
    Than You should also quit your job and join as Distributor. We need to run our homes and not retire so that we get annuity incomes. Also if annuity goes on decreasing every year (If you salary and your pension decreases every year will you say the same thing about that?) Also your comparison of Pizzas is a classic example of eyewash. Shame on you top compare preparing Pizzas and Distribution business. When you say reduced trail has aligned distributor and client interests quite well but you are missing a point that in all this AMCs have misalligned and crooked their own interest and made 4 times profits. Now Direct schemes are increasing TERs and SEBI is allowing all of them to do so which clearly means that they are hands in gloves with all AMCs to suck money from investors and dupe them further like the way they duped distributors money. Your funds are all underperforing than how do charge higher TER at all? Why is SEBI allowing you to charge any TER on any of your scheme if they are underperforing the markets from a long time? How are your salaries justified?
    Mayank Saxena · 5 years ago `
    Well done resign from your job and come to become an IFA wellcome.
    Anish · 5 years ago
    San Chor hai...simple
    jaideep · 5 years ago `
    All this talk leaves out 2 basic things. The very first is that if my expenses have to be paid out in full now, why should I receive only trail income ? If I travel by rickshaw, I pay the full fare immediately, it is not paid out over the next 12 months. This will happen with every expense, because every expense is reimbursed over a long period. It is somewhat like a businessman giving creditors a 12 month period perpetually to pay off his dues.
    Secondly, with falling expense ratios and consequently brokerage income, what use are these annuities ? I have yet to see a business where not only does the manufacturer but the regulator actively encourage investors to go direct, quietly watching misleading advertisements like the "1% upar ki malai". AMCs are more than happy to pay trail fees, they earn in that period, while the distributor misses an opportunity to earn income on his brokerage.
    Of course, one can charge investors on a per transaction basis, but this is not just impractical, it leaves a bitter taste for the investor.
    Anish · 5 years ago `
    San Chor hai...simple
    Rahul · 5 years ago `
    Some please Send the link to Prathit Bhobe CEO Tata mutual funds to see the comments. As I am sure CafeMutual is the platform only for Cribbing but the CEOs of AMCs and The governing bodies are absolutely unaware of it....
    No use of cribbing here unless our pain is understood by them
    Rajan Sahay · 5 years ago `
    IFA/Distributors should advice their clients to redeem all yours funds which login in regular plan.
    Barun Chandra Dutta · 5 years ago `
    Small distributor all tail mode commission i,e, in rural they have keep to earn money from there hard work in 1st yrs is very poor not to spend there family expence in current market. middle class IFA earn there expreince to hard work in 20 to 25yrs, commsion regular basis drop 15 bps all most current senerio 40 bps not to exped there office expences with 3 or 4 staff . pl see the matter not drop the commission and not seperate the zone
    Raman Jha · 5 years ago `
    As market favouring us we should let them lecture and focuss on other financial product which respect us
    Nitin · 5 years ago `
    TER is reduced good enough, but whatever AUM we are having at less than .4% trail bcz of all AMC reduction on regular basis,

    Will you increase that to the same level wherin we are falling today. - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    All AMC are happy to reduce the brokerage but when it comes to making an increment in brokerage on AUM generated than it is a pain for all.

    Distributor will sell, it is his bread and butter. They are the slaves,

    A day will come AMC will have substantial amount of AUM and they will say GOOD BYE

    What for you are here.

    Subsequently jobs will hamper, at AMC as well as Distributors end

    Don't create such a situation that instead of creating employments this sector starts bleeding and Jobs are lost and U WILL BE THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT.


    Let everyone work & be paid for what they have done.
    SRINIVASA M · 5 years ago `
    Very good article to read and imagine the IFA retirement with Trial annuity. But the pain and struggle what IFA is facing in the Field and industry is very important to understand.
    Don't know from where this 26 lakh crores AUM created. Without IFA is it posiable?
    I have 20 clients who are working as a Small business and farmers at Mulbagal a rural area and I went there and I have guided them last 2 years and convinced to invest in Mutual funds Via SIP.

    I have Taken care of their pan cards preparation and all the proceedings. I have taken care to open their bank accounts in the Bank.
    Also so many times serving issues. For all these I am getting 80 bps points. Last 2 years there is no return. How difficult them to convince do you all know? Once if I wnat to go from Bangalore to Mulbagal by bus the bus ticket charge is 120 RS. Up and down 240 RS. What we are getting from this industry spending more then that to serve for our clients.

    Every one looking our earnings. But our efforts are more then that. Really feeling unsecured in this profession. But what our clients are giving us respect and faith we are here today. We never ever misleaded the clients like bankers. We are true financial advisors. Don't look our comissions. Please consider our efforts.

    Thank you.
    Stany Dsouza · 5 years ago
    After lots of efforts to convince the farmers to invest in mutual funds, there is no guarantee that your trial commission will continue. If you don't register their email IDs, (which they don't know about mail Id) by the end of this month, you may lose your trial commission as well.
    P V V Kishore · 5 years ago `
    Yes it's really very diplomatic answer , as the business after last quarter reduced nation wise and I don't understand why don't think about importance of the advisor role is not only the doing mf business also awareness neutral prospective client of mutual fund
    dINESH mAHAJAN · 5 years ago `
    Sir, It is always better to have 9 in hands than 12 in bushes. Who grantees that business mobilized by me will not be allowed to be converted in DIRECT. In that case I'll lose my future earning without covering the marketing expenses. It is always easy to comment on others efforts. Please, be careful GOD is THERE and he'll not spare your words & thoughts.
    Vishal Rochlani · 5 years ago `
    Reduction of TER is a direct impact on the IFA Brokerage and not on the AMC books. Many Top AMC have reduced the commission by .30-.40 bps from previous year. We IFA are facing the heat since the last 1 year for the brokerage for some or the other reason. This is the 3rd cut that we are facing since the last 12 months. How do expect us to survive on Mutual Funds only. We have to diversify to other Investment avenues for surviving in the Financial Industry. How do expect new Distributors joining this field with trail commission only.
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