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  • MF News India to have 3.02 lakh millionaires by 2018: Credit Suisse

    India to have 3.02 lakh millionaires by 2018: Credit Suisse

    86% of India’s household assets consists of property and real assets
    Team Cafemutual Oct 15, 2013

    86% of India’s household assets consists of property and real assets

    Property and real assets make up 86% of household assets in India, shows a study titled ‘The Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report’. Also, the number of millionaires in India, which is 1.82 lakh at present, is expected to grow 3.02 lakh by 2018.

    “As the world’s largest democracy with a strong federal structure and vibrant markets, India has seen rapid growth in wealth since the year 2000. Wealth per adult rose from USD 2,000 in 2000 to USD 4,700 in 2013, but the 35% rise in the adult population caused aggregate wealth to more than triple during the same period. India has 254,000 members of the top 1% of global wealth holders, which equates to a 0.5% share. There are 1,760 UHNW individuals with wealth over USD 50 million and 770 with more than USD 100 million,” states the report.

    Key highlights of the report:

    • Global wealth has reached a new all-time high of USD 241 trillion, up 4.9% since last year and 68% since 2003, with the USA accounting for 72% of the latest increase.
    • Global wealth is expected to rise nearly 40% over the next five years, reaching USD 334 trillion by 2018. Emerging markets are responsible for 29% of that growth. China is expected to account for nearly 50% of the increase in emerging economies’ wealth.
    • Average wealth hit a new peak of USD 51,600 per adult, but inequality remains high, with the top 10% of the world population owning 86% of global wealth, compared to barely 1% for the bottom half of all adults.
    • Individuals in China and India have a relatively high probability to be upwardly mobile as a result of the high economic growth in these countries.
    • Wealth per adult rose from USD 2,000 in 2000 to USD 4,700 in 2013 in India, but the 35% rise in the adult population caused aggregate wealth to more than triple during the same period.
    • The USA has by far the greatest number of members of the top 1% global wealth group, and accounts for 42% of the world’s millionaires.
    • In Japan, the proportion of the population with wealth above USD 100,000 is over six times the global average.
    • Due to a high savings rate and relatively well developed financial institutions, a high proportion (46%) of Chinese household assets are in financial form compared with other major developing or transition countries.
    • In some respects, the pattern of wealth holdings in Canada resembles that in the USA: in both countries, for example, financial assets account for more than half of household wealth.
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