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  • MF News ‘Can't wait to see India among the top 2 economies in the world’

    ‘Can't wait to see India among the top 2 economies in the world’

    Read on for a candid conversation with Prem Khatri, Anita Sutrave and Nishant Patnaik from Cafemutual.
    Team Cafemutual Dec 21, 2023

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    As a part of the 13th anniversary celebration, we indulged in a light-hearted conversation with Prem Khatri, Anita Sutrave and Nishant Patnaik from Cafemutual which brought to light a new side of their personalities.

    Here is how these candid conservations unfolded.

    A quick chat with the man with many hats - Prem Khatri, Founder & CEO, Cafemutual

    Karishma: If you could teleport in the future, which year will it be? And why?

    Prem: The year would be 2050.

    I just can't wait to see India among the top 2 economies in the world, as many 'gyanis' have forecast! Hopefully, all Indians will be enjoying prosperity and not just a few. Also, with economic clout, India will be a superpower, using its economic might and political muscle to make the world a better place.

    By 2050, Cafemutual will complete 40 years of service to not only the mutual fund ecosystem but also the entire Indian and global financial services landscape. By then, medical science would have advanced enough to give me the physical stamina and mental agility to be a part of it.  

    Karishma: What are the top two things on your bucket list?  

    Prem: First - I enjoy travelling and have been to 28 countries, some of them multiple times. I have a list of another 24 countries that I would love to travel to.

    Second - I have a huge collection of books in both physical form and on Kindle. I want to read them all, in 2 years!

    Karishma: What keeps you motivated and encourages you to test your limits and try out new things?

    Prem: I feel blessed to be in this phase of my life. Be it physical strength, relationships with family and friends, mental wellbeing or in material terms, I feel I am at the peak.

    I love the fact that I pull my own strings and have so much freedom - I pretty much decide how I spend my time and what I do with it.

    Most importantly, I love being the Founder of Cafemutual and seeing it grow to be such a loved brand in the entire mutual fund eco-system, particularly in the community of mutual fund distributors. I love working with my fantastic team where everyone trusts and respects each other. 

    With so much going for me for which I am immensely grateful, I am hungry to know what else lies ahead for me.   

    Food conversation with the gourmet - Anita Sutrave, Deputy CEO, Cafemutual

    Karishma: What are your top three favorite cuisines? And, which restaurants/cities did you grab these bites from?                   

    Anita: I am quite adventurous when it comes to my food choices. A few cuisines or should I say food memories that come to my mind right now is the Garhwali cuisine that I tried during a family vacation to Rishikesh. It’s simple yet has such intricate flavours that make every morsel so flavourful.

    Another one is from the happiest country in the world - Bhutan. Bhutanese cuisine is a true reflection of their unique culture and their people. As someone who enjoys sinful foods, I particularly enjoyed their national dish, Ema Datshi which is made of chillies and cheese.

    Lastly, I simply enjoy the Spanish cuisine which is so vibrant and diverse.

    Karishma: What is your comfort food that makes you happy no matter how the day is going?

    Anita: Any Asian cuisine is my go-to option irrespective of the day. But I would certainly pick a well-made Sushi to perk me up.

    Karishma: Lastly, does the gourmet in you also like donning the hat of a chef? We are eager to hear about your kitchen discoveries.

    Anita: Well by being a chef if you mean giving valuable feedback on how the food has turned out, oh yes, I don that hat every day.

    But quite literally like most of us, my cooking adventures were limited to the Covid era when I enjoyed cooking with my little one. We would often bake cakes and cookies and I did try my hand at making Gnocchi which I was very proud of. 

    These days it’s more about indulging with my kids and trying out a variety of cuisines from Mexican wraps to Italian pizzas or our very own coastal delicacies.

    Casual conversation with the Abhivyakta - Nishant Patnaik, Associate Editor, Cafemutual

    Karishma: What are you passionate about the most and your favorite hobby?

    Nishant: One thing that gives me an adrenaline rush is looking for stories of MFDs and RIAs that can inspire others. I am constantly on the lookout for this.

    This quest for stories fits well with my hobby of meeting new people and listening to their experiences. I love listening to real-life experiences as they offer practical life lessons that no book can offer.

    Karishma: One thing that gives you sheer joy irrespective of how your day is going?

    Nishant: My ultimate therapy is playing with my 10-months old kid. It is so satisfying to see him smiling and laughing. This brings real joy to life.

    Karishma: Lastly, what do your weekends usually look like? Lazy or action-packed?

    Nishant: I believe in living in the moment. When I go out with my friends or family, I am a party animal - I drink a lot, sing a lot, and dance a lot.

    But when I am at home, I spend quality time with my family. I also keep my cell phone out of reach during weekends. Additionally, I enjoy being at my own leisure by cooking mutton biryani along with a glass of my favorite whiskey. Cheers!

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    AJAI PURWAR · 6 months ago `
    Respected Sir, You have done a great job for mutual fund distributor community.YOU are a real HERO and role model for all of us .
    Team Cafemutual · 6 months ago
    Hi Ajai,
    Thank you so much for your kind words!
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