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The back cover of Monika Halan’s ‘Let’s Talk Legacy: A Financial Planner for Your Loved Ones’ features a quote by Yudhisthir from Mahabharata. It says “Every man knows that death is the ultimate truth of life. He sees countless people dying around him but he acts and thinks like he will live forever” This quote sets a precedent for the topic Monika explores in her third book.
No one plans on dying but untimely death is a possibility. And the untimely death of the family's financial manager causes immense problems for the surviving members. It’s often witnessed that family members struggle to search for files, financial records, passwords, account numbers, investment records, and so on after an untimely death. Halan’s new book is a workaround to this major issue.
Introducing the book on social media, Halan said that people will write more in it than she has as it is a workbook designed to note down the key aspects of a person’s financial life. The workbook lists down aspects like banking, insurance, real estate, stocks, taxes, and more.
The book leaves no stone unturned and also dedicates a few pages for people to fill in OTT platform details to leave behind for their loved ones.
Halan’s ‘Let’s Talk Legacy: A Financial Planner for Your Loved Ones’ is a straightforward work that addresses death's bleak nature and turns it into an act of love.
MFDs should gift this book to their clients and spouses as this workbook will be very handy for them.