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  • Insurance Agents/intermediaries earn 6% gross commission on insurance premium

    Agents/intermediaries earn 6% gross commission on insurance premium

    IRDAI data shows insurance industry paid Rs.53,000 crore to agents/intermediaries in FY 2021-22.
    Nishant Patnaik Jan 24, 2023

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    Contrary to popular belief that insurance agents and intermediaries earn commission in at least two digits, an analysis of commission income paid by insurance companies with respect to the total premium (new business premium + renewal premium) shows that insurance agents and intermediaries earn single digit commission.

    The data shows that agents and intermediaries earn gross commission of 6% of the total premium. Of the total premium collection of Rs.9.17 lakh crore received by life insurance and non-life insurance companies, insurance companies paid gross commission of Rs.53,000 crore to agents/intermediaries in FY 2021-22. Please note that gross commission is subject to taxes like GST and income tax.

    Further, the data shows that of the total gross commission, the life insurance companies and non-life companies paid gross commission of Rs.36,000 crore and Rs.17,000 crore, respectively in FY 2021-22.

    Interestingly, while the gross commission income of agents and intermediaries increased over the three financial years in absolute terms, the percentage of gross commission to the total premium did not change in the corresponding period. Let’s take a look at the table:


    Life insurance

    Non-life and health


    Percentage of commission

    with respect to total premium

    FY 2021-22





    FY 2020-21





    FY 2019-20






    If we analyse the data further, it shows that despite high first year commission, life insurance agents earned 5% on the total premium as against 7% gross commission in non-life policies last financial year.

    This is due to lower commission on single premium policies and renewal premium. While life insurance agents get 2% commission on single premium policies, they get 3-5% commission on renewal premium.

    IRDAI said, “The commission expenses ratio (commission expenses as a percentage of premium) decreased marginally to 5.18% in 2021-22 from 5.25% in 2020-21. However, total commission increased by 8.77% (total premium growth 10.16 per cent) during 2021-22.”

    “The gross commission expenses of general insurance industry was Rs.16,931 crore for the year 2021-22, an increase of 9.87 % from previous year. The operating expenses of general insurers stood at Rs.41,455 crore in 2021-22, showing overall increase of 8.29%,” added IRDAI.


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    Priya · 2 years ago `
    very insightful is not that lucrative as it looks
    Jairam · 2 years ago `
    hdfc life pays just 3% commission during renewal of term policies...the incentive for long term handholding is very very less. irdai should streamline the payout
    BD · 2 years ago `
    The average data is eye wash. Endowment plans/ Money back plans offer handsome % even today. Agents push such plans more than pure term or ULIPs.. ULIPs comm has dropped over the yrs.

    Another point - Against the 6% comm paid by Insurance companies, how much does MFs pay ?
    Laxmikant Nemade · 2 years ago
    You are right BD. This data is misleading. The article states about SINGLE DIGIT commissions, whereas actually on first year premiums, the comission rates go upto 35%. Plus there also adfitional incentives / gifts on volume.
    As against this, the MF Distributors are getting not even Single digit but just fractional figures (typically 0.002% to 1%) and still they are asked to Disclose the same to the Investors.
    Vivek Mallik · 2 years ago `
    A follow up article from IRDAI to cool down the heat generated by its recent proposal to increase commission upto100% of the first year premium. Take this with loads of pinch of salt.
    If the first year commission is 80%, second year 40%, third year 20% and rest is 5-7%, how come the average goes down to 6%?
    Also, compare this with average 1% for MFDs, rampant mis-selling in insurance, neither much protection nor growth in investments.
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