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  • Insurance Online direct sales in life insurance account for 1.36% of the total new business premium

    Online direct sales in life insurance account for 1.36% of the total new business premium

    With a modest share of 1.36%, online direct sales are far behind individual agents which contribute 55% to the new insurance business.
    Karishma Gagwani Mar 4, 2023

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    Online direct sales do not have significant share in the new insurance business premium collection of life insurers, shows IRDAI data. They form 1.36% of the total individual new business in FY 21-22. New business premium includes first year premium and single premium.

    They are far behind the share of individual agents which stands at 55%. The numbers show that individuals opt for the expertise of their insurance agents over online comfort.

    Apart from corporate agents, the share of other intermediaries is less than 10%.

    Further analysis shows, online direct sales have a share of only 0.16% in LIC. And in the private sector, they contribute 2.29% of the total individual new business.

    Individual agents continue to take a significant lead here with a share of 96% and 23%, respectively.

    % Share in Individual New Business

    Type of Intermediary


    Private Sector


    Individual Agents




    Corporate Agents (Banks and Others)




    Direct sale








    Online direct sale












    * Others include, micro insurance agents, CSCs (Common Service Centers), web aggregators, IMFs (Insurance Marketing Firms), and point of sales


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    Vivek Mallik · 2 years ago `
    As a correspondent, you are right to use 'expertise of individual agents', but we all know and many times many surveys have pointed to the fact that this is mis-selling and nothing else. The extent and pattern of mis-selling is also evident. LIC is not a bank, hence individual agents contribute above 96%. In private sector, most of the insurance companies are bank sponsored. Therefore, more than 58% is mis-sold by the banks themselves.
    Look at the contribution of direct and online sales. Why doesn't IRDAI provide a DIRECT mode for investors in insurance plans as SEBI provides for mutual funds?
    InvestAir Funds · 2 years ago `
    I wish there was some Direct Purchase in place of Direct Sale in Insurance.

    I am a Mutual Fund Distributor, I earn commission from my Mutual Fund Clients for the services I give them.

    I am an Insurance agent too but I don't like the commission on sale of Insurance,especially with profit policies because it's against the the principles of Insurance.
    Sham Kumar Saini · 2 years ago `
    Agents are the Truthful, Trustworthy and True representatives of LIC. Agents are the Financial Warriors of LIC since 1956 and have contributed their whole self in making LIC such a mammoth Financial Giant with dedicated servics. They have been able to earn and maintain Trust and Faith of Esteemed Customers all these years with their 24x7x365 days quality prospecting, solicitation and servicing. They have been instrumental in the rise of LIC and development of our nation with most of development Fundings of various government schemes including Five Years Plans being funded from investments from LIC.
    96% Sale through Tied Agents is an evident proof of their professional services.
    May LIC Management and IRDAI recognise these facts and promote and incentivise LIC Agents with much better facilities of enhanced Group Insurance, Mediclaim Cover, Higher Gratuity, Provident Fund and Proper Pension as Social Security measures to Whole Life Professional Agents!
    parth parekh · 1 year ago `
    What is the difference between direct sales & direct online sales?
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