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  • Success Stories Meet the Kolkata duo who built AUM Rs.88 crore in just one year

    Meet the Kolkata duo who built AUM Rs.88 crore in just one year

    Started in July 2017, Atri Ganguly and Tejpal Singh Bagga now manage over 1000 clients, mostly retail.
    Nishant Patnaik Nov 26, 2018

    On Thursday, I have received a WhataApp GIF from an ex-MF CEO, which talks about how the power of teamwork makes the impossible possible (“The power of teamwork makes the impossible possible”).

    It was just a motivational message for me like many others in my inbox until I came to know about Kolkata IFA Tejpal Singh Bagga who along with his partner Atri Ganguly built an AUA of Rs.88 crore in little over a year, all because of teamwork. Ganguly is also Treasurer of Independent Consultant Advisor Association (ICAA).

    Let us look at their story.

    Initial journey

    After completing MBA in finance, Tejpal Singh Bagga joined Karvy Stock Broking where he was responsible for mutual fund distribution. Over the next 13 years, he worked with a few brokerage houses expanding their third party distribution business. Since he had grown up in a business family, Bagga had always wanted to do something on his own and financial advisory was a natural choice for him.

    However, Bagga dreamt of building one of the largest distribution firms of eastern India. He knew he couldn’t do it alone. He met his friend Atri Ganguly, his colleague at Right Choice Securities who shared a similar entrepreneurial dream.

    Both Bagga and Ganguly left their jobs and floated Vrishank Advisory in July 2017.


    To begin with, Bagga and Ganguly partnered with Soumik Saha, Sarbani Sadhu Das, Dipendu Khanra and Soumik Das who were their colleagues. Bagga believes, “Since the beginning, Ganguly and I have wanted to grow with team. We have seen organisations grow because of employees. However, retaining talent is the major roadblock that an organisation faces. As a startup, we could not afford to lose our key partners and hence, we made them partners in the business. This gives them a sense of ownership in a company.”

    The team of six including Bagga and Ganguly had a good rapport with their clients and they managed to convert 150 clients (25 clients each) with an AUM of Rs.30 crore.

    Currently, the advisory firm has a team of 16 members with 4 CFPs.

    Growing from here

    With a dream start like Sachin-Sehwag opening jodi, the next challenge for the team was to grow client base and assets under advisory.

    Bagga believes that AMFI ‘Mutual funds sahi hai’ campaign has created curiousity among masses but they need education to understand mutual funds. He and his team decided to use IAPs to acquire new clients. “We can address investors in groups through IAPs in one go. We believe it is the most cost effective way to acquire new clients.”

    To start with, the team approached corporate employees through their HR department. Since HR is responsible of holding welfare activities in a company, IAPs go well with their objective, said Bagga. In these programs, Bagga underlines the importance of wealth creation, higher education, comfortable retirement and so on.

    Another activity they do is holding knowledge sessions for existing clients and their friends and family members. The team has segmented their clients based on their age and profession. For instance, a group of salaried individual in the age group of 25 to 40 or a group of small business owners in the age group of 40 to 50. This helps them to customise their pitch to suits the need of the target audience. Also, the team requests their clients to bring at least five guests with them. In these sessions, they talk about the performance of mutual fund schemes and give insights on issues that matter to people such as the upcoming elections and their impact on markets.

    The team also conduct investor awareness programs in small towns and villages such as Purulia. “People in south Bengal have money but they don’t know where to invest prudently. In fact, Purulia contributes highest life insurance premium for LIC India. Hence, we have decided to hold our sessions in these locations.”

    They conduct these IAPs with the help of AMCs. “AMCs help us with good IAP tools and material. They also help us spread the word in these locations about our IAPs through advertisements in hoardings and announcements. Such advertisements help us get audience in a place where we don’t know anyone.”

    Post the event, the duo aggressively follows up with the people who attend their events. The strike rate is usually 15-20%, which means that 20% of the people who attend their IAPs give them some business. The business comes from both his existing and new clients who attend IAPs.

    Expanding presence

    Apart from Kolkata, the team has opened an office in Durgapur to cater to investors in the adjoining districts. The team also offers multiple financial products such as insurance, mutual funds, corporate bonds and so on. In fact, the team has recently started offering loan products such as personal loans, business loans and home loans to their clients. “We want to be a one-stop solution for all the financial needs of our clients. This helps us increase wallet share and ensures that client will work with us for the long term,” said Bagga.

    Bagga told Cafemutual that offering loans make business sense for advisors. “Distributors can earn 50 bps points on the loan amount.”

    Thanks to the teamwork at Vrishank Advisory, they have built a base of 1000 clients with assets under advisory of Rs.88 crore and a SIP book of Rs.1 crore in just a little over one year proving once again that teamwork makes the impossible possible.

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    Meena · 6 years ago `
    unique idea to grow business
    Ajay A. Ahuja · 6 years ago `
    Proper planning, team work, self motivation are the key drivers in this group. Keep going Atri Ganguly & Tejpal Singh Bagga along with your team members Soumik Saha, Sarbani Sadhu Das, Dipendu Khanra and Soumik Das.
    You guys are a source of guidance for others.
    Keep sharing your success stories guys & let us all succeed.
    Thanks to Cafe Mutual for the article on their website.
    Applauds to you all.
    Xyz · 6 years ago `
    Whats special about this? There journey is 15 years old not 1 year! They have just poached the clients of their previous employer. My request to cafe mutual...please post genuine success stories. These people are old warhorses of the distribution space. You are misguiding ur readers.
    MANISH K Dodia · 6 years ago
    There journey is 14 years old not 1 year! They have just poached the clients of their previous employers.
    Ready made buffet was there, they just need to serve it
    Don't find anything great for publishing here
    Sayantan Das · 6 years ago

    A big congratulations on hitting the handsome AUM to Vrishank Advisory Services Pvt Ltd...the aum meter should be continuing...I am so happy and feel proud to say that I was a part of this house since. .."this family"...I congratulate all my ex colleagues and bosses...Atri da and Tejpal Da..I have learned a lot from all of them..with out planing and execute properly that u can't achieve the goal or success..whthr u planning for the last 14 years and execute and c d little bit of..I mn tiny tail of success in 1yr..den Wts the big deal??..y sm ppl can't digest that...ppl only c d place whr Vrishank is stand now...no1 knows how much efforts gives , obstacles the team bares...commenting on their success dt "dey don't dsrv it"..very easy..but do ny bdy realize dat no1 rap d success nd gift for me" kuch to log kahenge..
    Logo ka kaam hai kahenaa..choro in bekar ki bato ko..." atri Da tejpal da tomra eibhabei continue baro hok Vrishank...
    vivek · 6 years ago
    I think Cafemutual is doing good for advisors. First it is about team building and making employees partner in the business. also, they have got 30 crore initially. they added 58 crore on their own which is encouraging.
    Somadhekar · 6 years ago `
    Sir I love to read inspiring stories from cafe mutual.i always look forward.but plz don't post this short success theft stories. Life of an IFA is not that as easy as poaching some others client.definetly they can't have a peace full some one else will poach the same investors tomorrow.definetly it is not hatd is day light robbery not post such articles.
    Reema Tawade · 6 years ago `
    They have been in distributor phase for 14 to 15 years. They pulled previous employer clients as simple as that. This could be a classic example of Change of Broker.
    Soumik saha · 3 years ago `
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