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  • Success Stories How this 25-year-old Jaipur MFD conducted a women-oriented SIP drive

    How this 25-year-old Jaipur MFD conducted a women-oriented SIP drive

    121 women investors participated in this SIP drive.
    Riddhima Bhatnagar May 15, 2024

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    25-year-old, Ritika Sodhani of Sodhani Capital, Jaipur successfully carried out her first SIP drive which was dedicated to women investors. 121 women participated in this SIP in which they did SIP of an average of Rs.5000.

    Interestingly, 40% of the total women investors were new to the MF industry.

    Ritika thought about conducting women specific SIP drive upon realizing that majority of active SIPs were done by male clients in her company. She came out with the idea of doing ‘Ghar Lakshmi’ campaign to bring women clients to the MF fold.

    For this, Ritika first reached out to spouses of existing clients and encouraged them to start SIP to become financially independent.

    Secondly, Ritika and her team went door- to- door to interact with women prospects with the help of their existing clients. She distributed a one-page pamphlet which highlighted the importance of attaining financial independence for women.

    Next, Ritika approached NGOs which work for the upliftment of women in and around Jaipur. Through these NGOs, she approached home makers and domestic helps. She acquired over 20 clients through this activity.

    Ritika also conducted women specific education session on financial independence. She  promoted this session on local radio FM channels, Instagram and Facebook to get more women participation. As a result, 160 women attended her session.

    Apart from this, Ritika also insisted her existing women clients to participate in her SIP drive.

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