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  • Business Development How to promote your client case studies

    How to promote your client case studies

    A quick guide to getting more business through your client case studies.
    Team Cafemutual Nov 18, 2017

    Case studies are an important marketing tool for advisors. To get the maximum advantage from case studies, advisors must use them efficiently. Here are five effective ways in which you can promote your business through case studies.

    At seminars/ workshops

    The best place to share your case study is at a seminar. Advisors should know the demographic of people attending the seminar to choose case studies that are relevant to the audience. One way to do it is to get information on audience profile beforehand so that you can choose the client case studies that will have maximum impact.


    Social media like Twitter and Linkedin are best platforms to promote case studies. Putting your client case studies on these platforms give your prospects an idea about the kind of work you do. Use # and other promotional tools to get more visibility for your case studies.

    By putting up your case studies on social media, you can also encourage more conversation with your prospects.


    Case studies give a glimpse at how you handle problems. Putting them in your newsletter makes it convenient for your clients to share them with their friends. It also opens doors for more business with existing clients.

    Use as testimonial

    Use parts of your client case studies as testimonials on your website. The best part of case studies are happy clients’ quotes about how you helped them and the wonderful results they obtained from working with you, especially when they’re able to express those results in a quantifiable way. Take some of those quotes and place them on your web pages and in sales presentations.

    Get published

    You can also use case study to get media coverage and target the audience of the media vehicle. Make sure that the case study is interesting and helps the target audience of a media house. This activity will get you access to a larger audience.


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