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  • Business Development Don't go to bed before answering these questions

    Don't go to bed before answering these questions

    As a mutual fund distributor, you are required to keep checks and balances on what you do. A simple method is to ask yourself a few questions daily.
    Team Cafemutual Jul 20, 2020

    Most of us struggle to keep up with the goals or resolutions that we make for ourselves. A whitepaper published by Advisor Perspective has suggested an exercise that would help financial advisors overcome this problem.

    The whitepaper suggests that advisors should keep a set of questions ready and ask those questions daily before going to bed.

    Each of these questions asks whether you did your best. Rather than just asking yourself if you engaged in a certain activity, this ensures that you gave it your best effort.

    Here are the questions:

    • Did I help my clients, no matter how big or small? Make them feel important, hear their concerns, assist them with any challenge they face, whether it was related to my business or not?
    • Did I learn something new that will make me more effective on the job? Read a career-related book or professional journal, listened to a podcast or attend a seminar?
    • Did I network with other professionals to provide them useful contacts? “Give first” to help them build their business?
    • Did I clarify expectations for my team, offer guidance to help them with their tasks, give praise when earned, and provide constructive feedback to improve their performance? Make our workplace an upbeat, engaged, fun environment?
    • Did I reach out to prospects who may not be initially interested in talking to me? Make the dials despite my inherent “call reluctance” and not worry whether they said yes or no?
    • Did I eat healthy, highly nutritious foods? Keep junk food to a minimum? Avoid eating after 7 pm?
    • Did I work out for at least 30 minutes?
    • Did I get to bed on time? Sleep at least 6 hours? Take a 10-minute “power nap” to recharge my battery during the day?
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    Cafemutual welcomes all mutual fund and insurance related questions. So write in to us at

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    Juned Ahmad Siddiqui · 4 years ago `
    Very nice article, thanks
    S.N.AGARWAL · 4 years ago `
    Very nice article I wll follow.
    Arvind Sharma · 4 years ago `
    Very well thought of point. Definitely very helpful for us. And I want to add up that we should not only read these points before going to bed but also as the first thing in the morning when getting out of the bed to set the tone of the day. Thank you Team Cafemutual for this article.
    VEERANKUTTY · 4 years ago `
    Fantasitic, best time to remember, thanks
    Sanjeev Katiyar · 4 years ago
    Excellent questions !
    Very Worthy
    Prabir · 4 years ago `
    Where could I get the particular white-Paper?
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