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  • Events Sold out! Cafemutual Confluence 2022 registrations closed

    Sold out! Cafemutual Confluence 2022 registrations closed

    30 proficient speakers to talk about the changing landscape of the distribution and asset management business and will deliberate on achieving the Rs. 100 lakh crore goal.
    Team Cafemutual Oct 11, 2022

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    Cafemutual Confluence 2022 (CC 22) has received an overwhelming response and is already a full house. Over 500 MFDs/RIAs and other industry participants have booked their seats for this most-awaited thought leadership event.

    The event registration has reached full capacity and is now closed.

    Prem Khatri, Founder & CEO, Cafemutual, said, “We are touched by such an amazing response. We feel truly blessed to have the continued support of our MFD/RIA friends and other industry players. We would have definitely loved to host as many attendees as possible, however, given the event bandwidth, we are unable to accept new registrations.”

    CC 22 will host 30 industry experts who will talk about emerging trends in the asset management and distribution space. They will deliberate on achieving the Rs. 100 lakh crore goal.

    The event will be held at Taj Lands End, Mumbai on October 13, 2022 (Thursday) from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.

    Click Here for the agenda.

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