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  • Guest Column

    Will burning cost cause massive heartburn?
    While IRDA’s motive in trying to stop the insurance industry’s self-inflicted spiral of descent to the depths cannot be faulted, could some remedial measures have been taken by the industry itself? Perhaps yes.
    by Gurpal Singh Dhingra Dec 1, 2014
    World is changing, are you?
    Always remember that clients don’t issue addendum before making changes to their behavioral patterns.
    by Vinayak Sapre Nov 13, 2014
    Which asset allocation model should your clients follow?
    In the western world, asset allocation advice driven by computer algorithms (Robo-Advisors) are posing serious threats to human advisory practice. If we believe in trends, then the time is not too far for us to do a catch up game.
    by Swarn Saurabh Oct 27, 2014
    “Pretend and Extend” vs. Prediction: Other Lessons from Berkshire Hathaway
    The genius of the Berkshire Hathaway approach, particularly the approach to acquisitions, is to focus on likely significant future changes.
    by A. Michael Lipper, CFA Sep 16, 2014
    The business of advising in India
    Investors can’t distinguish between right and wrong advice.
    by D V Suresh Sep 4, 2014
    Real Estate Investment Trusts accorded pass through status; albeit with limitations
    REITs and Investment Trusts have been accorded a pass through status in this Budget making them much more attractive for investors.
    by Amit Maheswari Sep 3, 2014
    Can PPF beat Sensex returns over 20-year period?
    A recent article published in a leading newspaper stated that PPF has beated Sensex returns over a 20-year period caught everyone’s attention. Amit Trivedi shows how statistics can fool us.
    by Amit Trivedi Aug 30, 2014
    Have you got an edge over the markets?
    Even if some people are able to outperform the markets, most are not. In financial jargon, most people do not have an edge over the financial markets, which is to say that they can’t perform better than the financial market through active selection of some investments over others.
    by Lars Kroijer, Author of Investing Demystified Aug 27, 2014
    Lessons for the IFA from airline safety announcements
    IFAs can draw lessons on how to alert and caution investors from airline safety instructions. Read on to find how…
    by Amit Trivedi, Karmayog Knowledge Academy Aug 12, 2014
    Have you made a profit on your life?
    Imagine that your personal life is a business. Are you profitable? If you’re neglecting your loan balances and buying expensive things on credit, consider how you would react if one of the companies in your portfolio was doing the same thing.
    by Will Ortel Aug 1, 2014
    Why investment managers are the good guys
    by W. Bradford McMillan, CFA, CAIA Jul 30, 2014
    Premature selling is tough but beneficial
    Most professional investors pride themselves on their timing of purchases and thus focus on current conditions.
    by A. Michael Lipper, CFA Jul 7, 2014
    Is your age everything in investing, or just a number?
    There are many other measures to take into account, some more important than others, like assets including intangibles, liabilities including contingencies, and mental and physical health.
    by A. Michael Lipper, CFA Jun 6, 2014
    Successful investing is not a ranking
    The real measure of successful investing is how the investor feels about the result. Feeling good about the result is an unwritten, but very important, psychological goal.
    by A. Michael Lipper, CFA May 21, 2014
    Inflation, the oldest and most powerful force in the galaxy
    My question for all of us is: How are we going to hedge our inflation risk ahead of inflation manipulation replacing interest rate manipulation?
    by A. Michael Lipper, CFA Apr 30, 2014