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  • MF News Over 12,000 complaints against SEBI RIAs, mostly against stock tippers

    Over 12,000 complaints against SEBI RIAs, mostly against stock tippers

    A closer look at the investor compliant data shows that very few complaints were related to mutual funds.
    Shreeta Rege Jun 25, 2019

    SEBI data on investors’ complaints shows that investors have lodged 12,175 complaints against RIAs (registered investment advisors). However, most of these complaints have been filed against advisory firms who are primarily into stock tipping and trading business. Many of these advisors do not deal with mutual funds at all.

    Most of these companies are based out of Indore and Bhopal.

    Digging deeper we see that of the total 1195 RIAs registered with SEBI as on June 2, the complaints were lodged against nearly 25 per cent (293). Epic Research Private Limited (697) and Trifid Research (637) have received the highest number of complaints. Both these firms give equity, forex, commodity and derivatives trading advice.

    Firms with highest number of pending complaints are Highbrow Market Research Pvt. Ltd. (Ways2capital) (91) and Neha Gupta Prop. Trade India Research (89). Recently, SEBI put Highbrow Market Research under the scanner for reports of running a profit counter on their website, promising target returns and unfairly selling multiple packages (fees) to clients and advising investments without ensuring client suitability. Overall, the firm is said to have received investment advisory fee to the tune of Rs. 105 crore between FY 12-13 and FY 18-19. SEBI in its order dated May 23 has asked the firm and its employees to abstain from any investment activity. Moreover, its assets cannot be transferred without the permission of the regulator.

    Another firm which was scrutinized by SEBI in February 2019, was Zoid Research. It has 575 complaints against it of which, 18 are pending. SEBI received multiple complaints of promised target returns, pressuring clients to pay fees from investors against the firm. Similar to Highbrow Market Research the company assets were held by SEBI and the firm and its employees are barred from participating in the securities market.

    Very handful of complaints were lodged against RIAs dealing with mutual funds.



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    Prashant · 5 years ago `
    So ther main Question is not whether complaints are related to Mutual funds or stocks or any other products but it is whether just because people having a tag of RIA should be trusted at all because SEBI gives RIA license to anyone and everyone who pays them fees. This is a failed model and will remain so but SEBI just to prove that they are right are forcing everyone to become RIA.
    Rajaram pawade · 5 years ago `
    what action have taken sebi against these fraud companies they mostly cheated innocent people
    Vinayak Pisat · 4 years ago
    mere sath bhi yahi hua hai sebi mai compaint register krne ke bad sebi kuch bhi action nhi leti hai sir. sirf compaint jata hai company mai or wo log closed kr dete hai compaint ko kuch bhi bata kar. Refund mang raha hu to de nahi rahe hai 1lac mere
    Shashank · 5 years ago `
    Epic Research scammed 100K from me. I have filed complaint against them and its been 20+ days but no response from SEBI. Will I be getting refund?
    Vinayak Pisat · 4 years ago
    Hi sir I'm also suffering from this issue please call me at 9823981643 for further discussion.
    MILIND · 5 years ago `
    Why SEBI Not controlling these faulse companies .Why not taking action against them.
    Today Luckily i could get save myself from these cheater company.
    Pl donot respond to those peoples who are from INVEST RESEARCH ADVISOR and calling from INDORE.
    those are cheaters.
    Dinesh Beniwal · 5 years ago
    Please avoid Rajban research from delhi faridabad.this is totally fraud company .I took the service after service they not respond and it's not a sebi
    Tanmoy das · 4 years ago
    hey if u really want to recover ur loss then DM me @9073170002 or mail me
    Telson Thomas · 5 years ago `
    If anybody want to recover there money above 10 lac then we will help you just contact at 7509018475
    Rakesh Kumar · 4 years ago
    Highbrow Market research company cheat with me appx. 7.50 Lac, you can help me
    Tanmoy Das · 4 years ago
    hey if u really want to recover ur loss then DM me @9073170002 or mail me
    tanmoy das · 4 years ago `
    hey if u really want to recover ur loss then DM me @9073170002 or mail me
    Arul · 2 years ago `
    I got a call from growth lift advisory pvltd from Bangalore Karnataka they told u invest 5 lack in share u will get 18 lack in three months.growth lift will handle the account name Akash contact number 9739016096/9743940659/7799659836/
    He told service charges 2lack 40thousand for 3 months with in three month we will make 5 lack to 18 lack.two much time call me make brain wash to me finally i join first two weeks he hain 2 lack 20 thousand after that again he asked 60 thousand i total i don't have same day he lost 3 .5 lack me two much tensions again he making brain wash me so I give 60 thousand then next day he making profit 45 thousand another day he lost all amount and call me total loss sir . total i lost from my hand 8 lack but their side telling add money we will recover don't believe this GROWTH LIFT INVESTMENT ADVISORY PVLTD ALL ARE CHEATING
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