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  • MF News SEBI concerned about the muted response to direct plans

    SEBI concerned about the muted response to direct plans

    SEBI Chief Ajay Tyagi said that the numbers are not encouraging in direct plans despite measures taken by both SEBI and the industry.
    Nishant Patnaik Aug 29, 2019

    SEBI Chief Ajay Tyagi has expressed his concern over the muted response to direct plans. He said this while addressing fund official at the AMFI AGM 2019 held yesterday in Mumbai.

    Tyagi said, “Despite all the measures taken till date by both SEBI and the industry, the numbers I am seeing with respect to direct plans are not very encouraging.”

    The SEBI Chairman further said that the market regulator has found instances where fund houses have not maintained difference in the TER between direct plans and regular plans to the extent of distribution commission. He said that such practices defeat the very purpose of direct plans.

    Tyagi said that SEBI has also specified fund houses that all fees and expenses charged in a direct plan in percentage terms under various heads including fund management fee should not exceed the fees and expenses charged under such heads in regular plan. Citing the rationale for this, he said, “This is expected to ensure that the difference in expense ratios between the two plans is not misused for charging additional expenses under other heads.”

    Another point that Tyagi highlighted is the growth of low cost ETFs in India. He said, “ETFs are another set of products that are yet to catch the fancy of Indian investors. They account for only around 6% of the total MF AUM in India as compared to their massive take-off globally. ETFs, as a category, offers the advantage of having a lower TER than other fund offerings. Not much progress has been made in encouraging investments in ETFs.”

    Tyagi has advised the MF industry to combine investor awareness programmes and technology to promote direct plans and ETFs among investors.

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    rajesh bhardwaj · 4 years ago `
    Anil Jadhav · 4 years ago
    Everyone is aggreeing the roles played by the distributors, except SEBI

    What does Distributors do
    1) Meets the client
    2) Understand his needs and requirements of the clients
    3) Educate the clients about the availablity of Financial Products
    4) Tells the clients the most suitable products for the clients along with the features of the products
    5) Also tell him the investments horizon for the prodcuts
    6) The product is bought by the client
    7) Monitors the performance of the products and Explains the developments to the clients. Many a times the financial products travels through different market cycles and this makes the clients nervous and doubtful about the products, about the advisors and about the issuers of the prodcuts (AMC)
    8) The advisors explains the importance of the time, value and money. At times he
    has to take the clients travel through times i.eshows him the past performance in bad or struggling phase of the economy.
    9)Since he is knowledgeable and has good market knowledge and has good years of experience.
    10) At regular intervals , the advisors invest their time in Training and developments, this empowes him and implments the same in their businesses. Which gives good returns to the client and them.
    11) At times, the regulators and related agencies only sees the Comissions growth over a period of time. But failed to see, the efforts.
    12) Advisors are wellwishers of Clients as well as the Mutual Fund Company. They act as a connecting points or grivances cells and tries to re-establish the relations between clients and AMC
    13) They contributes to the economy through employment generations in their sectors related sectors. Tries to give positive messages about the economy.
    14) Post the launch of direct schemes, propective clients calls the Distributors, takes the knowledge about the products or try to understand the product. And goes and invest directly with AMC or Through RTA and avoids the distributor or advisor, just to save the commission. But fails to undestand the roles of Advisors or distributor.
    15)when Economy passes through such difficult phase of economy, then these half knowledged clients gets scared and removes their money and creates more volatily in the markets.

    Even our respected PM Shri. Narendra Modi had acknowledged the roles of wealth Creators from Red Fort on 15th Aug.

    Few lines addressed by PM Shri. Narendra Modi,

    Wealth Creation is a great National Service.
    Let us never see wealth creators with suspicion.
    Only when Wealth is created, Wealth is distributed.
    Wealth Creation is absolutely essesional. Those who creates wealth are India's wealth and we respect them.

    AMC or Regulators do acknowledge the distributors roles but the same doesn't their policies.

    May god bless wisdom and stop the DIRECT PLANS IN MUTUAL FUNDS, INSURANCE ETC.

    Lets come together, join our hands work shoulder to shoulder to prosper our economy so that all the stakeholder do well.

    Happy Investing through Adviors/ DIstributors
    Amit · 4 years ago
    Direct plan was only introduce, to take IFA business in AMC control...
    Jayanta · 4 years ago
    Excellent explanation.....Share it all....
    Janak Shah · 4 years ago
    R C Gupta · 4 years ago `
    i can see that SEBI will soon realise the importance of Distributors.Mr tyagi should shed off his Ego and accept the reality.....Investor dont see TER and than Invest...but as of now instead of accepting their failure SEBI still passing it to TER and other reason for failure of Direct does it matter to investor if fund giving 15% returns charges extra TER...but if market doesn't perform and Fund also then investor won't invest even if TER is is only distributors who will bring Money and retain....Direct investors will always run away from sinking ship like rat..hope SEBI understand this
    VK Singh · 4 years ago
    I agree with you sir .
    And this is realistic things happen and SEBI has closed his eyes on it.
    Sayan Banerjee · 4 years ago `
    The process of encouraging direct plans is cheat to the corporate distributors and sub brokers of mutual funds. The growth experienced by the Indian mutual fund industry is due to the relentless effort of the individual sub brokers. Now SEBI is trying to ignore their efforts. I support the measures taken to reduce the TER. But strongly oppose the endeavor to promote the direct plans. It will never be successful because mutual fund investors are loyal to their advisers who advised their clients aptly.
    Ajay tyagi · 4 years ago `
    Yes 25lac Cr aum shud be direct. I am making 1% so industry shud move from regular to direct.
    Prashant · 4 years ago
    You are hired to benefit investors not corporates. Your duty is to safeguard investor's interests not corporates. All your moves are for maximising AMC's profits so you are not fit for your job. So get the he out of this job.
    U.R.Ringe · 4 years ago
    I think both direct & regular plans should coexist in a Democratic country like india as monopoly results in exploitation of customers/investors.There is a large percentage of investors who are educated but don't want to take the pains reading /understanding various fine prints of mutual fund investing & prefer to invest based on other's advice.Another category is that of less educated ones who will always need an advisor.The third category is that of investors who are eager to gain knowledge of mutual fund investing as they have lot of time (such as retired/ voluntarily retired )for their investment of hard earned money & thus can save/earn a bit more by investing at their own through direct plans.
    Most of the criticism of Mr.Ajay Tyagi sir who is doing a commendable job seems to be out of frustration as earnings of advisors etc is getting hampered by introduction of direct plans.Advisors at time insist for unnecessary churning of portfolios based on their knowledge of things which can involve human error.
    So far as the after sales service is concerned, it is unfortunately not up to the mark in most of the cases like in after sales of other products in our country. Preference is always given to new customers to grab a new business.Also,there is a possibility of recommendation of less rewarding products if a fund house runs some promotional schemes to sell their products.
    Any issue should be looked at in a holistic manner instead of always thinking of ones own interested.
    SANTOSH ROY · 4 years ago `
    Introduction of "Direct" created disturbance. Now atleast SEBI should realize its mistake and ask to wind up Direct Plan. At the most what it can do is, keep "Institutional Plan" (same as Direct) and allow to invest in it by only Corporates and Institutions.
    Vikas Kumar · 4 years ago
    Perfect Sugestion.
    I also apeal to sebi for promote regular plan for growing mf industries and also creating self employment.
    Goutam Das · 4 years ago `
    Ajay Tyagi Sir, Plz understand the conditions of IFA, Sir last 30yrs who make the AUM for Mutual Fund Industry !
    Investors only want to see their investment return or performance. Tyagi Sir don’t destroy the Distributor channel or regular plan, Sir lakh lakh Distributor followings you what are you saying for Distributor.

    AMFI was created for Distributor & AMC’s behalf now .............. only for AMC’s

    KAMAL PALIWAL · 4 years ago
    Absolutely right sir
    Sharin · 4 years ago `
    For distributing mutual fund products advisors need to clear Certification Examination.When an investor goes direct shouldn't he/she be required to clear certification examination and renew once in 3 years ? This would be more meaningful where distributors and direct investors treated equally.
    kamal Manocha · 4 years ago `
    SEBI is a body that is supposed to safe guard interest of investors and not distributors. Commendable efforts done by SEBI in this regards. The reason for low penetration of direct plans is that handful number of distributors have adopted RIA route. The reason for which is SEBI's lack of decision making. It is funny and surprising that SEBI has taken 6 years to decide. Its because of SEBI's lack of decision making that industry has been under so much confusion. SEBI must officially differentiate distributor from Advisor. With in 1 year, 50% of distributors will obtain RIA and then we will see substantial % of assets in Direct plans and ETFs. On the other side, if SEBI continues to delay this, even RIA would start to surrender their licenses. Many have already made their licenses in-active. The state of confusion is extremely discouraging for qualified professionals to come and contribute in this industry. SEBI must announce official demarkation of Distributors vs Advisors if it really cares for investors and really wishes Direct and ETF numbers to increase.
    WC · 4 years ago
    How would a formal demarcation by SEBI (between Distributors and Advisors) help the cause of Direct plans?
    kamal Manocha · 4 years ago
    Her are the steps. Formal Demarcation of Distributors vs Advisors will lead to Many distributors adopting RIA route as Formal Demarcation would mean Distributor is not an Advisor. I re-iterate, Distributor is not an advisor. Official Demarcation would be followed by Such campaign, articles. Automatically, many distributors would turn to RIAs. As RIAs proportion goes up, AUMs of credit risk funds, equity savings funds, high risk debt funds would drastically fall. Refer returns of Kotak Low duration + FT ultra short bond fund in direct and compare with other debt funds in this category and you will understand. What will increase is the % of ultra short bond funds, low duration mixed credit debt funds, ETFs, index funds, focused equity funds. This will happen because a true advisor is motivated to offer good product at lower price. Exactly what SEBI's Chief is looking to achieve as mentioned in this article.
    Aditya Chandekar · 4 years ago
    Mr.Kamal, request you to kindly visit the rural areas or B30 cities and see if investors are ready to pay fees for the advice. People do not pay to doctors for the health check ups. Do you really think that the investors from B30 cities invest in mutual funds after knowing the concept?

    Most of the Investors give their hard earned money by knowing the distributor and not the mutual fund scheme. He do not understand the technical language of the market. Investors prefer nearest bank deposits. Even after 72 years of independence more than 50% of Indian population do not have LIC policy even if LIC is safe. Do you really think after knowing the market risk, investor himself puts money in mutual funds? It is the distributor who visits investors and collects the investments. It's not easy to derive money from anyones pocket.

    Please check the ground reality.
    ANURAG DUREHA · 4 years ago `
    I totally agree with Sharin. The investors of direct schemes also should clear certification exam in their own interest to be eligible to invest in Direct plans. Mr. Tyagi's plan to enrich investor knowledge thru 'Investor Awareness Programs' is just like teaching some one A,B,C,D... and expecting him/her to write a novel.
    Harin · 4 years ago `
    There are many investor who have invested because of advice of Advisor and advisor are bringing in New investor by knowleding them hence direct plan will not work in future also
    a k Mishra · 4 years ago `
    SEBI & Kunti

    SEBI is like Kunti of Mahabharat, Regular plan is Karan & direct Plan is Arjun for them

    For SEBI, we distributors are Kaurava and PAYTM, ET and other direct plan supporters are Pandava.... now you can understand why SEBI chief is more worried about Direct Plans.

    But in reality, we distributors are not Kaurava. We are wealth creators, we are serving our nation, we are rakshak of small investors savings, we are guiding star for millions.

    Hope, one-day SEBI will realize
    Ashoke Kumar Basu · 4 years ago `
    So, after putting all your efforts now you understood that how many paddy can produce how many rice... this is nothing but the lack of knowledge about the ground level reality...
    I would like to suggest to sebi for the benefit of customer when amc is charging TER as per scheme then why they charge % of exit load from the customer, this is unfair practice if any person buy ETF they need not to pay exit load or if you buy shares of any company you can sell at any time without paying exit load
    Gaurav kshirsagar · 4 years ago `
    Direct Mutual funds is not a Push product, I fail to understand why SEBI is worried about penetration of direct plans especially post the changes in TERs of Regular plans, hence making them reasonably priced.. Now let the investors decide which one to go for...

    Average Mutual fund investor in India is not worried about cimmi

    Abhishek Kale · 4 years ago `
    If the costs of both regular and direct plans are maintained the same and distributor commission is the only difference between regular and direct plan, it would create level playing field. Also GST if applicable should be paid by AMC. If the investments in direct plan does not attract GST, then the same should be applicable for regular plan as well. If there are seasoned investors who understand the products they are investing in then they should be allowed to invest in direct plans.
    Gaurav kshisagar · 4 years ago `
    Direct Mutual funds is not a Push product, I fail to understand why SEBI is worried about penetration of direct plans especially post the changes in TERs of Regular plans, hence making them reasonably priced.. Now let the investors decide which one to go for...

    Average Mutual fund investor in India is not worried about commissions being paid to distributor as long as he is justifying it with his services ( software,regular visits, execution of transaction etc.) India has nt yet become USA there is still a long way to go...
    sundar · 4 years ago `
    obviously SEBI and in fact AMFI will also be concerned about direct plan muted response because there target is to abolish IFA segment,luckily in my case not much investors switched to direct,because of loyal investors and who really need my service,still investing through me,or else matter would been worse,
    Abhishek Kale · 4 years ago
    Investors will reward distributor's good service with continuation of investments. Most of them are ready to let go the 1% odd extra returns of direct plans for the distributor service. If we can demonstrate that we are working in our investors best interests we will be rewarded with our investors patronage.
    Jaideep · 4 years ago `
    Seems like SEBI is more keen on managing rather than monitoring the mutual fund business, it would prefer to put all intermediaries out of business. It seems to have forgotten that its main business is regulating equities and debt markets first. Debt markets are still dead and and the thousands of delisted companies, are hardly in the interest of investors.
    hari · 4 years ago `
    If a MFD can't sell MF without ARN, how can an investor make a choice of selecting a MF without ARN.
    Prashant · 4 years ago `
    It is high time we asking them why should we pay to AMFI for ARN? Why should SEBI allow them to loot us when they(SEBI and AMFI both) don't want distributors? They should abolish ARN fees and in fact pay us if we distribute their products and the amount should be decided by market forces and not some wasted interest of mutual funds lobby with the help of a regulator.
    Harish Rawat · 4 years ago `
    I do not understand as to why is SEBI chief hell-bent on promoting direct plans. At best the purpose of Direct Plan is nothing but to create a sense of greed amongst investors due to “Differencial Pricing”.

    He is a disbeliever in free market theory & such sarkari people who don’t have any sense of markets, business & enterprises & are ironically made head of Market regulation.

    Why does he object to ?5000 Crores of commissions shared across lakhs of self-employed individuals for managing AUM worth 10 lakh crores who are promoting a culture of financial literacy,Savings, risk management, financial discipline & knowledge, bringing domestic capital into domestic markets to reduce the dependence on FIIs? Mr. Tyagi, please go through & read about how India got Amul & how we became Worlds largest dairy industry powered by grass roots level farmers.

    Unfortunately, SEBI itself doesn’t take any exams before appointing its chiefs. Mr. Ajay Tyagi at the top of sebi is a live example of this.
    Gyan Prakash Sharma · 4 years ago `
    When heat comes, there is no shadow except IFA. Understand this fact- Mr. Tyagi and also AMFI.
    Gyan Prakash Sharma · 4 years ago `
    When heat comes, there is no shadow except IFA. Understand this fact- Mr. Tyagi and also AMFI.
    Arvind · 4 years ago `
    Agree with everyone. I also feel SEBI will itself decide to close direct route
    Deepak · 4 years ago `
    Mr Tyagi,
    Now what do you want to do next.You are a big fail in front of us.You just do not want to accept the fact that all your experiments are not able to rule out us.So please step down yourself and should give your attention to fund managers calls for stock and debt picking.
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