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  • Insurance Health insurance policies cannot be challenged after eight years

    Health insurance policies cannot be challenged after eight years

    Health insurance companies will not be able to cite pre-existing conditions and reject claims if these proposals are finalised.
    Team Cafemutual May 21, 2019

    IRDAI has proposed standardised guidelines on health policies in which it says that health insurance policies cannot be challenged after eight years of continuous premium payments. Simply put, health insurers will not be able to reject your clients’ claim request after eight years of premium payment.

    The move will favour policyholders. For instance, if a health insurance company discovers a person to be suffering from pre-existing conditions after eight years, the company cannot reject the claim.

    In life insurance policies, the insurers cannot challenge a policy after three years.

    Another proposal that would help policyholders relates to mental health. The insurance regulatory authority has recommended that health insurers include mental illnesses in the existing health insurance policies.

    The move will help families who have children with special needs. The medical expenses of such families is usually very high. Apart from a regular medical plan, these families also need special contingency plans for the child. This is because children with special needs were not eligible for medical insurance as they have a pre-existing condition.

    Other inclusions include

    • Illness or injuries associated with hazardous activities, given that the policyholder did not participate in adventure or a hazardous sport
    • Patients on artificial life maintenance  
    • Puberty and menopause related disorders, age related macular degeneration and neuro-developmental disorders
    • Failure to adhere to medical advice or treatment


    • Sarcoidosis, epilepsy, malignant neoplasms, inflammatory bowel disease, hepatitis B, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, chronic liver and kidney diseases and HIV/AIDS.


    In order to make the description of exclusions uniform and specific across the Industry, the guidelines have standardised wordings of some exclusions.

    Further, the regulator said that existing health insurance products, which do not comply with these rules, should be withdrawn by April 1, 2020.

    IRDAI has asked for the feedback of all stakeholders by May 31 on these proposals.

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    VAMSI KUMAR ATLURI · 5 years ago `
    Dear Sir,

    If available of iRDA GO / Circular share or attached very very usefull to Health and Distributors.

    Thank you
    ganesh Shenoy · 5 years ago
    Anuradha Bishnoi · 5 years ago `
    IRDAI should also eliminate the clause regarding 1% of the SI ( excluding CB) per day room rent cap in mediclaim policies and propotionate deduction of other medical expenses ( Co-Payment ) as customer feels himself cheated at the time of need after paying a hefty premium for several yrs. The Insurance companies shows the approval of big amount but actually and finally paid a very small amount at the time of discharge. THE percentage of SI per day Room Rent should be replaced by the category of Room. In case of unavailibilty of room of the equivalent category, prescribed upgradtion of the Room by hospital should also be within claimable limit. Pls consider this issue seriously in the interest of policyholders.
    S. L.. Gurumurthi · 5 years ago `
    Proportionate claim clause to be removed by Chargingaddl. premium as an add on cover.
    Usual and customary charges are not very clear ,vauge ,unilateral and are not clearly explained.
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