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  • Insurance LIC launches digital sales and support app for agents

    LIC launches digital sales and support app for agents

    Agents can sell LIC policies completely online.
    Nishant Patnaik Feb 20, 2025

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    LIC has launched One Man Office (OMO), a digital app for its sales force like agents, development officers, business associates and others.

    The app will enable agents and other sales force to sell LIC policies completely online and offer post sales services digitally.

    In a press release, Siddhartha Mohanty, CEO & MD, LIC of India, said, “It will be a vital tool in the hands of the sales force to promote life insurance and render service to LIC’s customers anytime and anywhere. It will be a shot in the arm for achieving the objective of ‘Insurance for All by 2047’.”

    The company said, “In short, it is a mobile digital office at the hands of sales force and plans to evolve as an easy-to-use one stop solution for all business and servicing needs, which will be available through their mobile phones, thus making them truly Atma Nirbhar in every sense.”

    The app will have features like premium calculator, benefit illustration, E-NACH registration, change of address, online loan request, renewal premium payments, claim related requirement submission etc.



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