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  • Success Stories How this woman MFD built AUM of Rs.100 crore largely through women clients

    How this woman MFD built AUM of Rs.100 crore largely through women clients

    Goa Women MFD Ranjana Dwivedi caters to 800 clients of which over 500 are women.
    Kushan Shah Jun 3, 2024

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    Goa MFD Ranjana Dwivedi of Shreya Financial Solutions focusses on women to do business. Thanks to her persistent efforts, she has built AUM of Rs.100 crore largely through women clients. 

    Of the 800 clients, over 500 clients are women. Infact, Ranjana’s male clients are spouses of her women clients. 

    Sharing the rationale, Ranjana said that women are key to economic well-being of the family. “Many women keep their savings in cash or gold. Even housewives have lot of money to invest. However, they need guidance and handholding to invest their money prudently. I sensed an opportunity in this segment and started focusing on women clients,” she said. 

    Ranjana reaches out to women through self-help groups and women centric association to acquire new clients. She regularly conducts investor awareness programs for them. In these sessions, she highlights how women can become financially independent by investing in mutual funds.

    Ranjana also organises gaming activities for women to engage with them socially.  Post these activities, she encourages housewives to invest a small amount every month in mutual funds. 

    Another activity that helped Ranjana is getting her male clients to involve their spouses during meetings. “I encourage all clients to involve their spouses in financial decision making. Also, I ask all my clients to refer at least one woman who can invest in mutual funds.”

    In future, Ranjana aims to target all women in the family to start SIP. For instance, if a family has 3 women, she would encourage all three of them to start a SIP irrespective of their income or age. 

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    Karunakar Kaushik · 3 weeks ago `
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