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  • Success Stories Meet the Bikaner MFD who fights global warming by planting trees for each SIP

    Meet the Bikaner MFD who fights global warming by planting trees for each SIP

    Bikaner MFD Ganesh Banthia conducted a SIP drive in which he gifted saplings to 121 participants.
    Kushan Shah Jun 23, 2024

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    As the temperature reaches a record high across India this summer, the conversations around the effect of global warming on climate have become more animated.

    Bikaner MFD Ganesh Banthia also felt the summer heat while travelling to meet his clients. Instead of just cribbing about it, he decided to do his bit for the environment by conducting a SIP drive.

    On the occasion of World Environment Day, Ganesh did the SIP drive in which 121 investors participated. The special thing about this drive is that for every SIP, he gifted a plant to the SIP investors. This way, they also got an opportunity to fulfill their responsibility to the environment.

    Ganesh requested all the participants to sow these plants in their verandah.

    Talking to Cafemutual, Ganesh said, “My approach is not limited to financial growth alone. This act of planting a tree symbolizes our commitment to the environment and our responsibility to future generations.”

    Giving details about the drive, Ganesh said, “I focused more on rural clients. The temperature in the nearby rural regions has been even higher this summer than urban regions. I felt that it was necessary to include people from these regions in my initiative. I visited the nearby rural areas and made them understand the importance of both, environment and investing in mutual funds. I got 30 new clients through this activity.”

    Ganesh also approached his existing clients and encouraged them to start SIP on the occasion of World Environment Day and support him in his initiative.

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    Fundspru - Altus Wealth · 7 months ago `
    Very much Congratulation Ganesh Bhai

    its true inspiration for MFD fraternity to show their responsibilities towards environment & green energy.

    Pankaj Pancharia
    Fundspru- Altus Wealth

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