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  • Business Development ‘If you can’t tell, you can’t sell it’

    ‘If you can’t tell, you can’t sell it’

    Manoj Chahar and Dilshad Billimoria share with us their favourite books and what they learned from it
    Darshita Shah Feb 4, 2017

    Manoj Chahar,

    I read a book ‘The Storyteller's Secret’ authored by Carmine Gallo. The author is a speaker and is often referred as a communication guru. In this book the author reveals that our brain is  used to hear stories on love, rag to riches and why a narrative style can win our hearts and minds. The book is divided into five parts - ‘ignite our fire’, ‘educate’, ‘simplify’, ‘motivate’ and ‘launch movements’.

    This book has taught me to master the art of storytelling. Whether your goal is to educate, inspire teams, deliver a presentation, a story is your most valuable asset and your competitive advantage. The logic behind this is simple – ‘If you can’t tell it, you can’t sell it’. This book has helped me to communicate better with my prospects. Further, the book has  checklists and various ‘do it yourself’ exercises which help the readers master the art of storytelling.

    I will recommend this book to my peers as it helps acquire new clients and build a good relationship with them.

    Dilshad Billimoria, Dilzer Consultants

    I read a book called ‘Practice Management: Tips, Tools, and Templates for the Financial Adviser’ by Deena Katz. The author is a renowned financial adviser from US. The author has shared step-by-step guide on how to create sample forms, worksheets, templates, letters and marketing content.

    This book has helped me formulate a well-structured business plan. The book has also helped me enhance client interaction, increase wallet share and take my practice to the next level.

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    SURENDRA TARE · 8 years ago `
    pl.who is publisher & where is it available...Price
    Rajendra Tarte · 8 years ago
    Pl. tell us the publisher & availability
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