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  • Business Development One simple yet effective business tip to attract referrals

    One simple yet effective business tip to attract referrals

    Make referring experience easier for your clients.
    Nishant Patnaik Nov 9, 2020

    While you need to create goodwill and trust with clients before asking for referrals, the most difficult part is actually asking for one. You need to ensure that it does not sound desperate.

    One of the effective ways to attract referrals is facilitating clients to make referring experience easier for them.

    As name suggests facilitation means making an action or process easy.  Simply put, instead of simply asking your clients for referrals, you should facilitate them to give referrals.

    You can do so by giving your happy clients (those who have been associated with you for quite some time now and have achieved financial goals) a written note, link or copy of articles quoting you or written by you, television appearances, videos you are featured in and life achievements like awards and recognition.


    • Positions you as an expert
    • Makes a good first impression before meeting a prospect
    • Makes your clients proud of the fact that their MFD is a sought after expert

    Do try it and let us know how it works out for you!

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