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    5 tips for budding IFAs
    Read on to find out what strategy a new advisor should follow.
    by Kanika Bhargav Feb 27, 2018
    Ideal places to hold a client meeting
    An important factor that can shape the outcome of your client meetings is the location where you conduct the meeting. Read on to find to select the right place.
    by Kanika Bhargav Feb 25, 2018
    Try email marketing to attract new clients
    A white paper published by LPL Financial, USA, shows how IFAs can use email to their advantage.
    by Team Cafemutual Feb 10, 2018
    Five tips for an effective presentation to clients
    These tips will ensure that your clients listen to what you have to say.
    by Kanika Bhargav Jan 29, 2018
    Valuable tips on advising millennials
    Read on to find out the common challenges of advising millennials and tips to overcome them
    by Team Cafemutual Jan 25, 2018
    What do you do if your client’s income is irregular?
    Advisors believe such investors should invest in a systematic manner.
    by Padmaja Choudhury Jan 20, 2018
    What not to do on twitter
    5 common mistakes advisors make on twitter and why they must avoid them.
    by Team Cafemutual Jan 19, 2018
    Finding your niche
    A few tips on how advisors can identify their niche
    by Daya Ragunathan Jan 13, 2018
    How to help your clients plan for their ‘second acts’
    A key focus of IFAs is on doing retirement planning for their clients. But what if your client is not planning to retire?
    by Team Cafemutual Jan 6, 2018
    How I stay on top of my game
    Find out what these advisors do to remain on top of the advisory business.
    by Team Cafemutual Jan 2, 2018
    What is the appropriate dress code for financial advisors?
    Read on to know how to dress up while meeting a client.
    by Kanika Bhargav Jan 1, 2018
    Publish and be sought after
    Tailor your media presence according to your target audience
    by Team Cafemutual Jan 1, 2018
    Investor behaviour trends in 2017
    Here are the highlights of the key trends observed in investor behaviour in 2017
    by Daya Ragunathan Dec 31, 2017
    What advisors wish they knew in the initial years of their practice
    We asked a few advisors what advice they would give themselves if they could go back in time.
    by Team Cafemutual Dec 22, 2017
    What is your social media strategy?
    Find out how you can strategize your social media marketing activities.
    by Daya Ragunathan Dec 22, 2017