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  • Business Development

    Lessons advisors can learn from Scooby Doo
    Here are a few lessons from Scooby Doo
    by Kanika Bhargav Dec 22, 2017
    What is your morning ritual?
    They say that what you do in the morning sets the day. Read on find out what do top advisors do every morning.
    by Padmaja Choudhury Dec 21, 2017
    What about your business, dear advisor?
    A white paper published by Kestra Financial shows three ways to maximise the value of your business.
    by Padmaja Choudhury Dec 20, 2017
    Does Quora help in acquiring clients?
    Advisors say that answering mutual fund queries on Quora has helped them to acquire clients.
    by Padmaja Choudhury Dec 18, 2017
    Top five investment mistakes clients make
    Here are a few investing mistakes that your clients need to look out for.
    by Rosevina Gonsalves Dec 16, 2017
    Are your clients not reading your emails?
    Here are a few steps to fix it
    by Kanika Bhargav Dec 15, 2017
    What advisors wish they knew in the initial years of their practice
    We asked a few advisors what advice they would give themselves if they could go back in time.
    by Daya Ragunathan Dec 11, 2017
    Hosting a client event: Part - II
    Here are a few tips that will help you host a client event efficiently.
    by Daya Ragunathan Dec 8, 2017
    Is your client prey to projection bias?
    Our present situation can cloud our view of the future and cause problems for our finances. Find out how to deal with clients facing this cognitive bias.
    by Rosevina Gonsalves Dec 1, 2017
    Hosting a client event: Part- I
    Five things to keep in mind while planning a client event.
    by Daya Ragunathan Nov 29, 2017
    Three simple activities advisors can do to expedite Aadhaar linking process
    Read on to know how advisors are helping clients in Aadhaar linking
    by Daya Ragunathan Nov 29, 2017
    A picture is stronger than a word
    Why you should start using infographics today.
    by Daya Ragunathan Nov 28, 2017
    Why you should look at holding a webinar to grow business
    Webinars, use of webinars in financial advisory, business development using webinars, creating leads, building client relationship, low budget, accessible
    by Daya Ragunathan Nov 28, 2017
    Three simple activities advisors can do to expedite Aadhaar linking process
    Read on to know how advisors are helping clients in Aadhaar linking
    by Daya Ragunathan Nov 25, 2017
    Plan your succession now
    If you want your practice to outlive you then build a succession plan today, advises a whitepaper by ADP Retirement Services.
    by Team Cafemutual Nov 23, 2017