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  • MF News ‘India has one IFA for every 16200 people’

    ‘India has one IFA for every 16200 people’

    AMFI entrusts PwC to suggest measures to rope in new distributors.
    Nishant Patnaik Jul 21, 2019

    AMFI has entrusted PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to suggest measures to increase the number of distributors.

    In fact, AMFI has constituted a working group comprising two board members Vishal Kapoor, CEO, IDFC MF and Prathit Bhobe, MD and CEO, Tata MF. PwC along with the working group is expected to come out with a white paper that would suggest ways to increase the number of IFAs and make MF distribution an attractive and appealing career option for individuals.

    In a letter sent to MF CEOs, AMFI has acknowledged that the India has abysmally poor per capita distributor to service investors. AMFI said, “While the aggregate number of folios is over 8 crores, the number of individual MF distributors currently registered with AMFI is just over 83,000… and this number would be far lesser, if the number of inactive distributors is factored in.  Thus, the per-capita number of individual MF distributors (or IFAs as they are commonly referred to) vis-à-vis India’s population of 1.34 billion is woefully small, especially when compared to the insurance sector, which has reportedly more than 2.2 million insurance agents.” A rough calculation shows that India has one IFA for every 16,200 people.

    In addition, the recent regulatory changes in TER structure may have further impact on the industry attractiveness for new distributors, said AMFI.

    AMFI believes that the increase in number of distributors can help the MF industry achieve inclusive growth. AMFI said, “While the MF Industry has witnessed impressive growth in the past 4-5 years, experts believe that there is a great potential to double the size of the industry both in terms of AUM and number of customers in the next 4-5 years, by increasing the customer base and investments from tier II/tier III cities  through distribution reach.”

    Higher penetration of MFs will need many more active, individual distributors, especially in smaller cities and towns, said AMFI.

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    Gurunatha Gopal · 5 years ago `
    By reducing the earnings of FULL TIME IFAS, how could the top minds expect to increase new distribution network.
    It looks against the natural finamina.
    Through the distribution community is pillers of today's size of MF AUM.
    Why people use transport medium like,bus train, aircraft today and forever?
    Can people travel from Mumbai to Delhi via
    DIGITAL FLATFORM,(The mindset of AMC of direct selling) ????.
    If PWC can step out in street to do MF sales there may be a chance to find out best solutions.
    K v raghupathi · 5 years ago `
    Dear members of working group and PwC,

    Please read the following and understand why IFAs are migrating:

    Recently published quarterly report of your fellow AMC ;

    Gross revenue is increased from 471 crores to 504 crores = 33 crores
    Net profit is increased from 206 crores to 292 crores. = 86 crores
    Distribution cost is reduced from 84 crores to 11 crores. =. 73 crores cost of sweating of distributors to make their profit great.

    Higher profit is not because of great performance of funds, but snatching our bread.

    Don’t need PwC to explain these to AMFI as majority of your board members are either Chartered Accountants themselves or Financial Literates.

    Through AMFI, your AMCs are making our life miserable for bringing more business to AMCs.

    Tapas · 5 years ago
    ?? Direct plan ?? ???? ?? ??? ???
    Tapas · 5 years ago `
    ??? Direct plan ?? ???? ?????
    Aditya Kachru · 5 years ago `
    We can not take 1.34 billion people as investor or mutual fund subscriber where GDP PER CAPITA is less than 1.5Lakh per annum .
    93% here in India declare taxable income between 1-2.5Lakh , Largely only 1%of population is mf investors who needs service .
    So the statement if IFA per 16200 people is absolutely wrong and irrational .
    Vipul · 5 years ago `
    Joke of the year.
    Raksha · 5 years ago `
    Please recheck the news. It must be "..... Measures to wipe out remaining distributors and stop new registrations"

    Mangesh · 5 years ago `
    Congrats SEBI and AMFI...soon this figure of 16200 per IFA will increase to 50000 , as many IFA will leave this business and new IFA joining will get reduced drastically.... Best way to continue upfront and 2017 trail commission structure till 2025, so that mutual fund investment will get wider across country...and no need to quickly go for T30,B30, and next T45,B45.... Have patiance, every IFA understand that, if investor earns good returns , his business will continue, so IFA will never make any mis selling or give odd advice either...
    MIHIRSINH PARMAR · 5 years ago
    Actually by reducing TER and abolishing upfront , misseling will start. People will migrate to Insurance and ULIPs without looking at client needs, risk profile, financial goals etc.
    KUNDA KRISHNA · 5 years ago `

    KUNDA KRISHNA · 5 years ago `

    Share khan · 5 years ago `
    Dear Cafemutual just ask HDFC , at TER 1.8% brokerage is 10 paise , no need PWC a layman can teach you
    Kirit Nagda · 5 years ago `
    Let Amfi & Sebi decide what is Sahi hai in long Term. Your Client includes Pan Card holders only. Divide with no of adviser.
    AMIT KUMAR · 5 years ago `
    now thiis is first ndustry where income day to day decrease. no chance to attaching the new ifa this industries.
    jegadeeswaran · 5 years ago `
    Stop - Direct
    Pay - Upfront
    Industry will automatically expand multifold
    Rajesh Jain · 5 years ago `
    Gift the money you want to,to PWC.

    No chance of any new distributors joing the industry now , except the persons resigning from the respective jobs at AMC , stealing client datas of existing customers and approaching the cream among them .
    With "direct" client comes only to take free advise from us because we cannot charge for it and then invests directly.
    Even distributors are now scared to talk to new persons because anyone approached may go direct taking advise from him.
    KEVAL ARVINDBHAI JETHI · 5 years ago
    Ye Rajesh, this is true. Many people ask for detail investment plan and once send they never reply back.
    Funds ON Wealth Advisors · 5 years ago
    @Rajesh Jain - This is really true so many AMC employees are working on investors data and they have ARN in their relatives name. In my views AMC employees should not be permitted to check the investor data, AMFI should take an action on that. In that way there is no logic to work in the MF industry.
    Prabhakar rao · 5 years ago `
    No need to stop Direct.Investors with knowledge can apply directly and nee not pay .Why should they?
    B APPARAO · 5 years ago `
    If existing IFA'"s are happy industry attract new ifas. SEBI see the ground reality.
    MAYUR C PORECHA · 5 years ago `
    No doubt the fund houses have increased their profits but they have reduced the brokerages of the distributors. Most of the business is introduced by IFA' s but the fund houses feel that they are getting good business directly.
    HIMMAT SINGH · 5 years ago `
    This is just make emotional to IFA about thinking of AMFI because of market is down and inflow got decreased. Otherwise AMC AND AMFI AS WELL SEBI NEVER HELP TO IFA FOR BUSINESS THEY PROMOTA ONLY DIRECT PLANS .
    Srinivasa BL · 5 years ago `
    There are ample business opportunities for Consultants/Advisory Firms like pwc,KPMG,McKinsey from Industry Body & such bodies!!As the adage goes`Who needs mirror to see the ULCER in the PALM?!!`.Probably,it is the only industry ,where contracts are effected RETROSPECTIVELY`rather than PROSPECTIVE,as is the norm everywhere-take the case of reducing trial for assets procured earlier!This is against the principle of NATURAL JUSTICE.As if waiting for this moment,BIG BOYS ,immediately passed on the TER cut on IFAs Retrospectively!Look at the IRONY of this: we say that MF is a LONG TERM investment to reap full benefit to the investor-YES,while it may not, for the Adviser! If you,with investor interest in mind, retain the old assets for longer duration ,you will be paid @1/3rd of what you were earning prior to April 2019.What is the message from industry to IFA community? -CHURNING!.Thankfully,unlike intermediaries of other financial products,majority of IFAs are Investor centric,committed & passionate about in advising MFs.If these PARTNERS (?!)-the FOOT SOLDIERS- who are mainly responsible for MFs growth today`s level-are denied of Natural justice, livelihood,driven against the wall,the exodus to other professions becomes inevitable.Then you set up committees ,hire consultants,etc-Looks like a BIG FARCE.Industry`s ambition for next 4-5 yrs to reach the double the current AUM.Then ,who will initiate & hand hold the new investors ( mainly tier II,III,IV,&... so on places ) service them, prudently & emotionally guide/stand with them,service ORPHANED DIRECT folios?! I rest my case.
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