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  • MF News SBI MF to partner with distributors to launch yearly calendar

    SBI MF to partner with distributors to launch yearly calendar

    SBI Mutual Fund has invited entries from distributors till November 22 to participate in this initiative.
    Darshita Shah Nov 18, 2016

    SBI Mutual Fund has launched a unique distributor engagement program under which it has invited entries from IFAs to launch its yearly calendar for 2017.

    The fund house has named this initiative  ‘Partner us with making of 2017 SBI Mutual Fund calendar’. As the name suggests, the fund house has asked distributors to share photographs captured by them that might find place in the yearly calendar.

    IFAs can send their entries at by following these few steps:

    • The website gives you a choice of 12 incomplete images.
    • All you need to do is to complete these images with a relevant image.
    • Select an image from the list which you think is relevant to the photograph which you would like to share. For instance, if you select an image of football, you are expected to upload a corresponding image of the goal post. This image sends a message that - ‘Football will lose its excitement without goal post similarly life will lose its meaning without dreams’
    • The idea is to inspire people through these images.

    Sharing the rationale behind this initiative, DP Singh, CMO, SBI MF said, “With this initiative, we wanted to strengthen relationship with the distributors. Through this activity, we are encouraging them to showcase their creativity to the community.”

    So far, the fund house has got a good response. This activity will close on November 22.


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