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  • Passives Here is your latest ready reckoner on passive funds

    Here is your latest ready reckoner on passive funds

    Find all relevant details of over 180 ETFs/index funds in one place.
    Team Cafemutual Feb 1, 2023

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    The latest edition of the ready reckoner on passive funds is now out.

    The reckoner covers all relevant details of over 180 passive funds and serves as a guide to create a solid passive portfolio. Additionally, it facilitates a comparative analysis between these funds.

    The reckoner provides details like daily AUM, TER, tracking error, tracking difference (1 year), and returns (1, 3 and 5 years). Further, it provides one-year average trading volume and impact cost for ETFs.

    Click here to view the Ready Reckoner on Index Funds and click here for the Ready Reckoner on ETFs.

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