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  • Business Development

    Why don’t we look outside the financial world for answers to our business problems?
    If you want to copy someone else it makes sense to emulate the ones who are getting the best results. But what if no one in the industry really has it nailed. What if someone in a different business (or even an entire other industry) has found a much better approach?
    by Stephen Wershing Nov 23, 2015
    What to do when you get a referral
    Your client takes the risk by sending a friend to you – honor it.
    by Stephen Wershing Nov 21, 2015
    How can advisors promote themselves through their website?
    A white paper released by Raymond James, a wealth management firm based in US, gives insights on how advisors can leverage their website to promote their services.
    by Team Cafemutual Nov 17, 2015
    8 positioning statements for advisors
    Read on to find out how you can stand out from the crowd by making a unique positioning statement when you meet prospects.
    by Team Cafemutual Nov 16, 2015
    Network and make new clients
    Read on to find how to network to attract more clients.
    by Banali Banerjee Nov 16, 2015
    4 tips for effective client introduction and reference requests
    Want your clients to positively respond to your client reference requests? Here are four tips.
    by Susan B. Weiner, CFA Nov 13, 2015
    How to deliver bad news to clients
    Communicating bad news is not easy. Here are some tips on how to deliver bad news to clients.
    by Banali Banerjee Nov 2, 2015
    Young affluent investors expect a response from advisors in less than 2 hours
    A joint survey conducted by Vanguard and Spectrum Group reveals that half of the young millionaires and nearly one-third of mass affluent clients want a response to an email in two hours or less.
    by Team Cafemutual Oct 28, 2015
    62% UHNWIs willing to introduce their family to their advisor
    You can win the confidence and trust of the clients’ next-generation heirs if you start engaging with them.
    by Team Cafemutual Oct 27, 2015
    Why should distributors work with a team?
    Teams grow faster as compared to independent advisors by not only increasing the firm’s productivity but allows you to showcase different skill-set and ideas for the growth of the company.
    by Banali Banerjee Oct 23, 2015
    How women financial advisors can make it big in advisory profession
    Read on to find the benefits and challenges of advisory business for women and how they can make it big in this male dominated profession.
    by Banali Banerjee Oct 19, 2015
    Facebook most widely used media by affluent investors
    Among all age groups, Facebook is the most widely used platform by the ultra-rich.
    by Team Cafemutual Oct 17, 2015
    How to deal with family members who are your clients
    Read on to find out the best way to deal with family members who are your clients.
    by Banali Banerjee Oct 15, 2015
    How to improve your face-to-face client meetings, blogs and newsletters
    Read on to find out how you can make your face-to-face client meetings more productive and improve the quality of your blogs & newsletters.
    by Ravi Samalad Oct 13, 2015
    How quickly should advisors respond to their HNI clients?
    The survey revealed that more than one-quarter of millionaire and one-third of UHNW respondents say that they want a response to a phone call in two hours or less.
    by Team Cafemutual Oct 12, 2015