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  • Business Development

    How to deal with older clients
    Succeeding in this segment requires special skills and talent which advisors need to master.
    by Fouzia Nov 17, 2014
    Whom can IFAs pass on their business to?
    A whitepaper titled ‘Passing The Torch – How To Plan For a Successful Succession’ published by Raymond James gives interesting insights on whom advisors can pass on their practice to.
    by Raymond James Nov 10, 2014
    How advisors can plan their own succession
    A whitepaper titled ‘Passing The Torch – How To Plan For a Successful Succession’ published by Raymond James gives interesting insights on how advisors can go about planning their succession.
    by Raymond James Nov 7, 2014
    How to increase the quality of referrals
    A research note on ‘Referral-Generating Techniques of Top Financial Advisors’ published by US based AIG Advisor Group gives interesting insights on how advisors can improve the quality of referrals.
    by AIG Advisor Group Oct 17, 2014
    How to deal with difficult clients
    Advisors should set the right expectations in the minds of their clients from day one.
    by Fouzia Oct 14, 2014
    Is niche advisory model practical in India?
    Slowly, advisors are realizing the importance of having a niche client base.
    by Fouzia Oct 14, 2014
    How to ask referrals naturally
    A research note published by Advisor Group gives suggestions on how advisors can overcome any hesitations about asking referrals.
    by Advisor Group Sep 20, 2014
    Newsletters give financial advisors a big advantage
    A well drafted newsletter though time consuming, can reap great benefits for the financial advisors
    by Fouzia Sep 15, 2014
    8 useful tips for developing a great script for referral
    Asking for referrals is an art which advisors need to master.
    by Advisor Group Sep 11, 2014
    Here’s how you can build a successful NRI client base
    A primer on how advisors can acquire NRI clients.
    by Fouzia Sep 11, 2014
    4 type of fee models which financial advisors can adopt
    Here are few practical tips on the type of fee advisors can charge their clients.
    by Fouzia Sep 11, 2014
    How to get referrals through LinkedIn
    A research note published by Advisor Group shows how advisors can get referrals through LinkedIn.
    by Advisor Group Aug 30, 2014
    25 proven ideas to grow your business through referrals
    A research note on ‘Referral-Generating Techniques of Top Financial Advisors’ published by US based AIG Advisor Group gives interesting insights on how advisors can improve their chances of getting referrals.
    by AIG Advisor Group Aug 30, 2014
    Is risk profiling alone enough for asset allocation?
    Read on to find out how top financial advisors use risk profiling to create asset allocation strategy.
    by Nishant Patnaik Aug 7, 2014
    Keep these 4 parts of your website fresh
    It is more important than ever to keep your site fresh with new and dynamic content.
    by Mike Renton Jul 26, 2014