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  • Business Development

    Advantages of keeping a select client base
    Servicing a large client base requires resources which not all IFAs can afford. Small is beautiful, feel many IFAs.
    by Ravi Samalad Jul 23, 2014
    3 fresh ideas to create impressive video content
    Check out these three ideas we use to create video content for advisor websites.
    by Maggie Crowley Jul 22, 2014
    Why must every financial advisor have a website?
    Read on to find out the experiences of financial advisors on how website has helped them grow business.
    by Nishant Patnaik Jul 22, 2014
    3 tips to win and keep new clients
    Keeping these three rules at the back of your mind during each stage in any client-advisor relationship will considerably impact client retention
    by Maggie Crowley Jun 3, 2014
    Four web marketing tips to grow your business
    A white paper published by Adviser Websites called ‘webvisor’ gives four tips for advisors to increase presence online.
    by Advisor Websites Team May 15, 2014
    How to make your website mobile friendly
    A white paper titled ‘Mobile Takeover: Are You Prepared?’ published by Advisor Websites gives a step-by-step guide on how advisors can make their websites compatible for smartphones.
    by Advisor Websites Team May 6, 2014
    What IFAs can learn from priests who perform Shantipaath
    Building trust needs to become a habit, it shouldn’t look like an attempt.
    by Vinayak Sapre Apr 29, 2014
    How to generate leads online – II
    Put these powerful ideas in to action and watch your business grow.
    by Maggie Crowley & Sara Ruthnumis Apr 25, 2014
    How to generate leads online – I
    A white paper titled ‘The Financial Advisor’s Crash Course in Generating Leads Online’ published by Advisor Websites shares interesting insights on how advisors can generate leads online.
    by Maggie Crowley & Sara Ruthnumis Apr 24, 2014
    How to grow business by targeting the second generation of existing clients
    You can win the confidence and trust of the young earning family members of your existing clients if you start engaging with them.
    by Nishant Patnaik Apr 22, 2014
    How to write powerful posts that attract clients
    Janet J. Mangano reviews the book ‘Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients’ authored by Susan B. Weiner, CFA.
    by Janet J. Mangano Apr 17, 2014
    How to develop a solid advisory practice?
    Starting an advisory practice is not as easy as it was before. Here are some pointers for both start-ups as well as established advisors to build a successful practice.
    by Ravi Samalad Apr 17, 2014
    Seven secrets of success from the world’s greatest professional firms
    Martin Fridson reviews the book What It Takes: Seven Secrets of Success from the World’s Greatest Professional Firms and finds it a fascinating read.
    by Martin Fridson, CFA Apr 11, 2014
    Easy advisor prospecting with LinkedIn
    LinkedIn is an ideal platform for advisors to reach out to prospects.
    by Maggie Crowley Apr 11, 2014
    10 suggestions to close the deal
    As financial advisors we may not be selling a specific product, but convincing people to trust us with their hard-earned money can be challenging.
    by Maggie Crowley Apr 11, 2014