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    How to write powerful posts that attract clients
    Janet J. Mangano reviews the book ‘Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients’ authored by Susan B. Weiner, CFA.
    by Janet J. Mangano Apr 17, 2014
    How to develop a solid advisory practice?
    Starting an advisory practice is not as easy as it was before. Here are some pointers for both start-ups as well as established advisors to build a successful practice.
    by Ravi Samalad Apr 17, 2014
    Seven secrets of success from the world’s greatest professional firms
    Martin Fridson reviews the book What It Takes: Seven Secrets of Success from the World’s Greatest Professional Firms and finds it a fascinating read.
    by Martin Fridson, CFA Apr 11, 2014
    Easy advisor prospecting with LinkedIn
    LinkedIn is an ideal platform for advisors to reach out to prospects.
    by Maggie Crowley Apr 11, 2014
    10 suggestions to close the deal
    As financial advisors we may not be selling a specific product, but convincing people to trust us with their hard-earned money can be challenging.
    by Maggie Crowley Apr 11, 2014
    4 steps to better time management for advisors
    These four tips will help IFAs manage their time effectively and become more productive.
    by Maggie Crowley Apr 10, 2014
    How I got my first client
    Rajat Dhar and Rohini of Cogent Advisory got their first client through cold calling.
    by Nishant Patnaik Apr 9, 2014
    How can advisors create a successful blog
    A white paper published by Advisor Websites gives interesting insights on how advisors can run a successful blog and increase their visibility.
    by Maggie Crowley & Loic Jeanjean Mar 18, 2014
    Secrets of successful women advisors – II
    Sapna Narang,Tejal Gandhi and Yogita Dand share how they turned financial advisors what has helped them excel.
    by Ravi Samalad Mar 7, 2014
    Secrets of successful women advisors - I
    We asked leading women advisors what inspired them to take up financial advisory and what it takes to excel in the male-dominated investment advisory profession.
    by Ravi Samalad Mar 7, 2014
    12 reasons why your website is not bringing you leads
    Ronak Hindocha of FutureAdvisor shares 12 secrets which can help advisors generate leads from their websites.
    by Ronak Hindocha Mar 4, 2014
    How can advisors grow their client base through investor awareness programs?
    Investor awareness programs are an ideal platform for advisors to connect with clients at a personal level.
    by Ravi Samalad Feb 28, 2014
    Ask yourself, Who is your client?
    Segmentation of clients is essential as it brings down the cost of servicing and increase the efficiency level of the IFA’s set up.
    by Vinayak Sapre Feb 18, 2014
    How can IFAs plan their succession?
    Succession planning can be tricky for IFAs who don’t have any family member to take charge of their business.
    by Ravi Samalad Feb 7, 2014
    Clients prefer emails more than formal meetings: AFA study
    The key to adopting the right mode of communication lies in decoding the preferences of your clients based on their age profile.
    by Team Cafemutual Jan 24, 2014
    Cafemutual is an independent media platform and focuses on providing knowledge and information for the benefit of finance professionals. We do not promote any particular brand or asset category.