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    Now mutual funds are available in supermarkets of Bhopal!
    Vision Advisory has opened two investment outlets in Aapoorti Super Market, Bhopal
    by Nishant Patnaik Dec 26, 2013
    How to shift to a fee based model
    A white paper published by provides case studies of two advisors who made the shift to fee based practice.
    by Team Cafemutual Nov 27, 2013
    How to develop interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence
    A white paper published by ‘Association of Financial Advisors’ shares six elements of developing an excellent client relationship.
    by Team Cafemutual Nov 20, 2013
    How to develop interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence
    A white paper published by ‘Association of Financial Advisors’ shares six elements of developing an excellent client relationship.
    by Team Cafemutual Nov 20, 2013
    Stay in constant touch with clients to retain their loyalty
    Seven out of ten advisers prefer to meet clients at least four times a year, shows a Cafemutual poll.
    by Nishant Patnaik Nov 8, 2013
    Clients value interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence over technical expertise
    Australia based Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) decodes the elements of trust
    by Team Cafemutual Nov 6, 2013
    70 percent HNIs invest less than 75 percent of investible assets with financial advisers
    Experts say making available extensive product basket, trust building and subject expertise work out well to increase wallet share of HNIs with you.
    by Nishant Patnaik Oct 30, 2013
    Affluent household women influence financial decisions
    77% of affluent women prefer a financial adviser who truly understands their family needs.
    by Team Cafemutual Oct 29, 2013
    How to use email marketing to grow business
    A white paper published by The DigitalFA titled ‘Going from email marketing to marketing automation’ gives insightful ideas on how financial advisors can use email marketing effectively to grow business.
    by Team Cafemutual Sep 25, 2013
    Clients perceive it ‘risky’ to refer a financial advisor
    A survey conducted by Prudential Financial among 800 decision makers of US households shows that 64% of them perceived offering referral as a ‘social risk’.
    by Team Cafemutual Sep 17, 2013
    How to maximize your website’s effectiveness
    A white paper released by The Digital FA gives a step-by-step guide on what financial advisors can do with their website to attract new clients.
    by Team Cafemutual Sep 14, 2013
    Meet Vizag’s retirement planning guru
    Tirupati Rao was felicitated with MDRT Samman for his unflinching focus on retirement planning.
    by Nishant Patnaik Aug 22, 2013
    5 SIPs a day is the key to Alagappan’s success
    Alagappan was felicitated with the MFRT Samman for promoting the cause of SIPs.
    by Nishant Patnaik Aug 19, 2013
    Women Investors: Emerging Opportunity-Part II
    So, you have contacted a woman prospect! Now the question is, how to approach her in a correct manner so as to leave the right impression.
    by Nishant Patnaik Aug 8, 2013
    Women Investors: Emerging Opportunity -Part I
    Success with women clients requires a nuanced understanding of their needs and a willingness to approach the planning process in a way that works for them.
    by Nishant Patnaik Aug 5, 2013