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  • MF News AMFI revises AUM transfer norms for distributors

    AMFI revises AUM transfer norms for distributors

    Among the key changes are allowing transferring of assets from national distributors to sub distributor, doing away with requirement of obtaining written consent if transfer is due to the death of distributor and suspension of ARN if it is not renewed within six months.
    Nishant Patnaik Jul 18, 2020

    From August 1, 2020, new transfer norms for distributors will come into effect. Here is the summary of the revised guidelines on AUM transfer.

    If investor changes distributor or shifts to direct plans

    There is no revision in this. Investors can continue to change their distributors and switch to direct plans without obtaining NOC from their existing distributor.

    Remember if your clients change the ARN code i.e. from your ARN to another broker on their own, there will be no trail commission on such a transaction.

    If existing distributor initiates change in distributor

    Distributors can initiate change in ARN

    • If they change their name/legal status such as LLP, private limited and so on
    • In case of merger or acquisition
    • Transfer of AUM from national distributor to sub distributor. Such a transfer is allowed only if sub distributor transfers his entire assets with national distributors

    You have to ensure that your ARN is valid and you are KYD complaint before transferring your assets; this applies to the new distributor who receives such assets as well.

    Also, AMFI has done away with partial transfer of assets other than transfer of AUM from national distributors.  This essentially means that you need to transfer your entire assets to the new distributor.

    Once you transfer your assets, you will have to surrender your ARN to AMFI for cancellation.  You will have to submit your original ARN within 15 days of such a transfer. However, if you continue to work as a sub-distributor with the distributor to whom you transferred your assets to service clients, you are not required to surrender your ARN. Also, you cannot do fresh business independently under your ARN after transferring assets.

    Also, you are allowed to transfer AUM by surrendering your existing ARN and obtaining fresh ARN/EUIN. AMFI will honour such transfer even if existing ARN is surrendered or not valid. However, you will have to make such a transfer request within six months of cancellation of the existing ARN.

    Distributors will have to inform their clients in writing via letter or email informing them that the change in ARN and the rationale behind it along with the details of new distributor. In addition, you will have to highlight that if the clients have any objection for the change in distributor code, they must write to the respective AMCs directly. AMCs will have to effect changes to ARN within 15 days if they don't  receive any objection from clients.

    In case a client raises objection, distributor should immediately inform the AMC.

    The transfer application must have – reason for transfer supported by evidence and certification that letters/emails have been sent to all existing clients intimating them of change of distributor. You will have to attach a sample of such communication along with a list of clients.

    The new distributor would get trail commission only after transfer of valid assets (KYC compliant accounts). AMCs would pay commission to new distributors only after cancellation of old ARN except when old ARN holders opt to become sub-distributor.

    Trail commission rate for the new distributor will be in line with the trail commission rate of old distributor. For transfer between national distributor and sub distributor, the new distributor will get trail commission on a prospective basis on the valid assets i.e. trail commission rate would be lower of commission on old ARN and new ARN.

    If distributor changes due to voluntary exit of ARN holder

    At times, a few distributors voluntarily discontinue their distribution business. Such distributors will have to inform their clients in writing through email/letter that they should get a new distributor of their choice. These distributors will have to tell their clients to write to respective mutual funds about their decision to change MF distributor and allot another distributor. A copy of such a communication has to be submitted to respective AMCs.

    In case if a distributor’s ARN has expired and he does not renew his ARN within 3 months, the AMCs will have to write to clients to choose another distributor or switch to direct plan. Further, if he does not renew his ARN within 6 months of its expiry, AMCs will have to permanently cancel such ARNs and no fresh business will be accepted against such an ARN.

    AMFI has directed such distributors to write to AMFI about their desire to exit MF distribution business. AMCs will have to keep records of such investors and change ARN code linked to the folio as and when such investors change distributor.

    AMCs can pay commission to the new distributors on valid assets in such a transfer on a prospective basis.

    AMFI has cautioned that distributors can not use such a transfer to circumvent AMFI guidelines. Typically, if your clients change the ARN code i.e. from your ARN to the new ARN on their own, there will be no trail commission on such a transaction. However, if client change ARN due to voluntary exit of existing distributor, the new distributor is entitled to get trial commission.

    If transfer of AUM is due to death of a distributor

    In order to transfer AUM of a deceased MF distributor to the ARN of nominee or legal heir, the ARN of deceased distributor has to be valid on the date of demise and his trail commission was not suspended.

    In addition, the nominee or legal heir must have a valid ARN and  be KYD compliant as on the date of request of such a transfer. The new distributor will have to submit his annual declaration of self-certification (where applicable) due as on the date of request of transfer of AUM.

    Here are other key points to remember

    • Only valid assets can be transferred to the legal heir or nominee
    • The new distributor has to submit an application for cancellation of ARN of deceased distributor to CAMS-AMFI unit within 6 months of date of demise. CAMS will send a confirmation to the new distribution on receipt of such requests
    • CAMS will have to cancel the ARN and intimate all AMCs and RTAs
    • The new distributors will have to individually approach all empaneled AMCs and make an application for transfer of assets to his ARN
    • The new distributors will have to intimate all clients of change in ARN through letter or email. He will have to highlight that if the clients have any objection for the change in distributor code, they must write to the respective AMCs directly
    • The transfer application must have – reason for transfer supported by evidence and certification that letters/emails have been sent to all existing clients intimating them of change of distributor. You will have to attach a sample of such communication along with list of clients with PAN and folio numbers
    • There will be no need to accept written consent from clients on such transfers
    • AMCs will have to effect changes to ARN after cooling period of 15 days. In case of any objection, AMCs can hold such a transfer


    Click here to read the complete circular.


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    Prashant · 3 years ago `
    It is really amazing on how openly AMFI with the help of the regulator maximises profits for AMCs. In case if the investor shifts AUM to another distributor than old or new distributors don't get anything but AMCs still charge them the same fees of a regular plan. So AMCs get a huge margin in this. The new distributor gives the investor service but gets nothing and his right is eaten up by AMCs.
    SUNIL LALGE · 3 years ago
    100% right told.
    liakat ahmed · 3 years ago
    i think tnis is the newest policy that is stat from 2014
    Padmapriya · 3 years ago `
    But its use sub broker like under of corporate ARN , we can't transfer Individual ARN to ARN , and AMC eating extra charges from the client bucket ,in the time transfer of broker code and IFA will give free service without exception
    Paritosh Gupta · 3 years ago `
    When an ARN holder is servicing under national distributor and giving service to its clients/investors and wants to seperate its investors from national distributor to his/her ARN there has been no rules that how he can get trail commission after transfer of his/her investors from nd to his/her investors. As these all clients/investors were being servised and will be serviced by him/her if arn is changed from nd to his/her arn. Small arn holder will not get trail commission till scheme/fund of his investors is changed. This small arn holder does not want to change the fund of his investors just due to exit load, funds in which his investors are invested is already a good fund and there is no need to change, liability on account of capital gain tax on investors due to change in fund etc. AMFI should cosider this situation in the common interest of mutual fund industry .
    Pranab kumar mitra · 3 years ago `
    My ARN renewal deu date was 20/01/20
    Can i renew it now.
    How can i renew it.
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