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  • MF News MFDs will have to maintain a record of risk profiling of all clients: AMFI

    MFDs will have to maintain a record of risk profiling of all clients: AMFI

    Also, MFDs can do goal-based investments but are limited to mutual funds.
    Team Cafemutual Mar 25, 2025

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    In an FAQ on do’s and don’ts for MFDs, AMFI has asked MFDs to maintain a proper record of risk profiling of all their clients in physical or electronic form. Further, MFDs will periodically review risk profiling of clients and update it in their book of records.

    Further, AMFI has clarified that MFDs can do goal-based investment for their clients. However, such incidental advice should be limited to investments in mutual funds.

    Here are other key highlights of the FAQ that matters to you most:

    • MFDs can provide incidental advice limited to mutual funds
    • Incidental advice does not include providing financial planning
    • MFDs cannot do financial planning or use such words
    • However, MFDs can have advisory relationship with clients, which is limited to recommendation of mutual fund schemes
    • If a client has execution only relationship i.e. only related to transaction in mutual funds, the MFD will have to send a written communication to investor about non-suitability of the scheme
    • Such a communication has to be acknowledged by the investor
    • MFDs can promote their business but can use materials approved by AMCs or available on AMFI website
    • MFDs can have a YouTube channel but they cannot give any scheme specific recommendations or talk about performance of MF schemes
    • MFDs cannot make commentary on past performances and future return prediction on their social media handles
    • MFDs can offer multiple products and services and market it on their website
    • MFDs need to keep record of product suitability and consent of investors if they offer execution only services
    • MFDs should also maintain a complaint register physically or digitally
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    mahesh bhatia · 1 day ago `
    Not understanding some point, if a client wants to plan for their child education or retirment and we are suggesting them child funds or retirment fund with a considerations of his goal fund needs and planning right amount sip for him then we are already doing planning and not just execution,

    So why restriction on Using financial planning word

    Also , the product suitability and consent required is not understood..

    Is there any specific format for both of these , if not then Amfi or amcs should provide it, also in case of digital transactions from all platforms a check box can be added with product suitability and consent so that it's automatically gets recorded during investment

    Expect seniors people from industry to share relevant format and feedback
    krishnan · 1 day ago `
    As for risk profling amfi should provide a questionnaire for risk profiling which will help smaller mfds
    J F · 1 day ago `
    I think this is just a waste of time since It doesnt make any sense to me.
    Jaideep Shirali · 20 hours ago `
    Somehow, it seems that SEBI, inspite of good intentions, does not understand the practical aspects of doing a business. We need the regulator to stop micro managing the mutual fund and advisory business. Maybe SEBI should focus instead on why so many listed shares are suspended or delisted due to wilful non compliance with norms, there are crores in investor money locked up there.
    Smita Ghaisas · 7 hours ago `
    Risk profile of client goes on changing with maturity of market understanding. Once client gets confidence on returns he getting on his investments, he will be ready for still more aggressive funds
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